Courtney and Zoe


Tustin, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a first-time corgi owner and never want to go back!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Zoe is sweet and sassy. She's very smart, learns quickly, and knows what she wants. She is a little clown and keeps us laughing with her antics like watching TV and creating new ways to entertain herself. Her favorite things include playing fetch,eating cookies,getting pets, and trying to steal people's food and/or alcohol.
I have:

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  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    I love the look on her face... I really think Luna might be the name for her after all.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • WhiteDove

  • WhiteDove

    Have a wonderful weekend. . . .
  • WhiteDove

  • Jade and Jay

    When are you picking up your puppy? We're picking ours up this Friday. The wait is sooo hard when the time is getting so close.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Linda said it'll probably be around 3 or 4... I'm actually going to call as soon as I finish writing this paper to confirm a time. What about you?
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Looks like I'll be picking up my baby around the same time as you - so maybe we'll get a chance to meet! I can't wait for Saturday :)
  • Jade and Jay

    I just noticed that you're missing Taro in the litter picture! I bet he was off to the corner of the pen. He looooves curling up against a corner. When we picked up Taro today, we saw the whole litter, and they all looked even more adorable than last time. They got so much bigger; their ears doubled in size!
  • Jade and Jay

    So Taro was off in the kiddy pool with us? We definitely remember you and your family picking out one of the little girls! I thought we might have seen you there, but for some reason, I thought you picked a different girl (the one with a white strip from her nose all the way down to her collar). Are you having the most amazing time with your little girl? Taking care of them is so much fun but a lot of work!
  • Jade and Jay

    Zoe is the cutest name! I might steal it if we ever get a girl.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    I hope you are enjoying Zoe as much as I am enjoying Luna.
  • Maple (owners Alicia n Orlando)

    Thank you for your compliment! Your corgi puppy is toooooooo cute! I saw what you wrote about her chewing on everything...isn't that the truth! lol How old is your puppy? Maple is only 5 months and already weighs 20 lbs!
  • Maple (owners Alicia n Orlando)

    Where about are you in Riverside? There is a newly renovated dog park on Mission Blvd. Are you familiar with Mt. Rubidoux? It is right at the base of the mountain. It's an awesome park! However, I would wait until your puppy is atleast 7-8 months old before taking them to a doggy park...they need to be socialized first and well, a dog park is alot of work for a puppy. I have yet to take Maple, first getting her used to the leash. That, and well, she decides when she wants to abide by the command "come here" lol. So she's not quite ready yet..As far as the chewing, the only advice I could give is continue buying chew toys or else shee will move on to your shoes :)
  • CaliBuckeye

    Thanks...I am a fan of the show, but my husband is the true fan of the show and he named our dog!
  • Joanne Barnard

    I'm still learning how to use these different sites from San Diego Corgi Meet-up and, etc., so I'm sorry if I've already asked you about this through another site.
    I am going to look at puppies tomorrow at Royal Hearts in Hesperia. Isn't that the breeder you got yours from? Would you recommend her?
    Thanks for any advice.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    And how is your little 12-weeker doing? Her sister says hi! Isn't it crazy how big they've gotten?
  • Maple (owners Alicia n Orlando)

    Maples says "woof woof" (thank you!)
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    :) will do!
  • Denise, Rin, Ein

    Thank you for the welcome. Your Zoe is too cute!
  • Chewie

    Thanks so much! Zoe is super sweet and looks like a great study partner. :D
  • Ellen Andersen

    Have a wonderful holiday full of treats, stuffies, belly rubs, and fun!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Courtney, it's a pleasure to feature Zoe, thanks for sharing! She is mighty cute :)

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    OMG. Zoe is adorable and looks like she's full of attitude. No question who's going to be alpha dog!
  • Alyssa Linton

    Thanks :) Your puppy is so cute!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Delighted. Love looking at the photos of Zoe climbing all over your Golden Retriever! Too cute. And those ears and attitude. Love her! Plus, those EYES.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Lucy was all attitude and eyes as a puppy. She was Lucy/Lucifer. Rafa was all ears and craaaaazy.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    How big is Zoe now?  Luna is almost 12 and a half pounds now... getting to be a big thing. I'm so happy to be able to now have clearance for dog park soon once rabies shot is done with.  Looking forward to the next corgi meet where she gets to play with all the other corgis finally!

    Check out our blog when you get a chance: The Briese Moon
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Happy 5 months to Zoe!
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    She is doing much better today - I have to keep her calm so as not to aggravate the surgical site.  Good luck to Zoe next week.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    It's keeping her from being TOO corgi/healthy that may be the problem.  I'm sure she'll be fine in a few days.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    LOVE the new pictures of Zoe.  It's great to see how much she's grown.
  • Teresa Gilpin

    Love your pics, and Keep posting your great videos!!
  • Teresa Gilpin

    Thank you for asking about my babies.  They are brother and sister, named Winky (she is blind in one eye so we thought the name fit), and her brother is Blinky.  We call them Wink and Blink.  They are truly the best part of my day.  I never knew how much crazy in love a person could be with a "dog".  I love seeing your pics, and videos, so keep posting!!
  • Liz Wrightson

    Thank you so much for the welcome! :-D
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    awww. thanks! zoe is just beautiful! btw, i'm an MSW. have you started your program?
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Look at how big she's getting! So cute!
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!  Luna was completely freaked by the balloon - but it was an adorable freak-out.
  • Jade and Jay

    How are you and Zoe doing?  Zoe and Luna look so similar.  Both are very beautiful ladies!


  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Thanks!  Happy 7 months to Zoe too!
  • Ellen Andersen

    Happy Memorial Day Everyone!
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Luna is going to be featured on The Daily Corgi tomorrow. How is Zoe doing?
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Good luck with your move! I'm sure Zoe will be a big help with packing.
    Luna is doing really well. She's learning a few tricks like play dead, crawl, and a few others. We'll be restarting her therapy dog class next weekend as well.
    Thanks on the congrats for Twinkie. She and Luna are doing well together and it's tons of fun having two of them around. Luna is getting her to come out of her shell a little more by acting like a puppy who wants to play. It's very cute.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Happy Birthday Zoe!

    Can you believe they're a year old already? What are you doing to celebrate?
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Two is so much more fun! We had a little party for Luna. Justice and Liberty of the Prichett pack came over to play and the pups had cake and ice cream, plus each took home a cookie. They are exhausted!
  • Jade and Jay

    Zoe looks adorable.  I can't believe the corgis are one already, and it has been almost one year since we picked them up.  Taro weighed 30 pounds at 11.5 months, and he has been filling out ever since, so I think he's a little over that now.  He is a huge corgi, but he's definitely not overweight, and I can't believe he's still going to grow in width.  How much does Zoe weigh now?
  • Jade and Jay

    In the month of August, Taro had a small hot spot on his paw, and he chewed it until it was raw skin with no hair.  Then he started having a couple of red dots on his belly; I thought they were bug bites at first, but it suddenly exploded into a rash in a couple of days.  Then he started limping from a pain on the paw with the hot spot.  I examined his paw, and it was super moist between the webs.  It was also swollen and had abrasions.  I took him to the vet, and it turns out that Taro had an allergic reaction on his paw, which lead to a bacteria infection.  As for the rashes, the vet said that Taro had an allergic reaction to something in the heat.  He couldn't tell us what it is for sure without tests, but he said it is very common in the summer, and the problem should go away in the fall.  The allergy test would only be necessary if the problem persisted in cool weather.  The vet gave him a steroid shot, some antibiotics, and a medicated shampoo for his rashes.  His rashes and bacteria infection disappeared in about 5 days after using the shampoo.  Ever since then, one or two red spots pop up occasionally as well as rashes on his paws.  We use the shampoo, and he's fine again.  Since the weather cooled down in the past couple of weeks, he hasn't had any break outs.  I suspect Taro just has really sensitive skin because when he was 2 months old, he often had irritations on the skin around his eye, and he also gets sunburned pretty easily. Once, his nose got sun burned after hiking.  Does Zoe have similar symptoms?
  • Jade and Jay

    Taro actually used to do that too.  It was more frequent when he was around 6- 7 months, and it was at its worse when he had a cold.  He hasn't had that problem in months though.  It just went away on its own.  I hope you'll figure out what it is with the vet!
  • Michelle, Blake & Luna :3

    Come join us for a Corgi Halloween Fest! R.S.V.P.!~ 

  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    How are you and Zoe?