Laura and Tommy Jefferson


Birmingham, AL

United States

Profile Information:

North Olmsted, Ohio
About Me:
Tom came into my life the summer before I started law school and was my constant buddy throughout the process. Along the way we moved from Ohio to Alabama, I graduated from law school, and I recently became an attorney. I couldn't have done it without my little guy. His persistent barking was always great motivation! :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tommy was born on March 30, 2011. He enjoys long walks in the park, zooming around the couch, and treats from the mail-lady. His dislikes include bears and having his nap time interrupted. He is also a Canine Good Citizen :)
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Laura and Tommy J!
  • WhiteDove

  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)

    Welcome Laura & Tommy Jefferson...Love it!!

  • Vee Luther

    Yes, we'r sort of sticking to the founding fathers. Our first corgi was George Washington and really first in the hearts of his countrymen!  We call them Tom, Pats and Ben.

  • Andrea De Leo

    Thank you for your bid! :)

  • Andrea De Leo

    If you like the painting, can you please go to e-bay and leave feedback?

    My mom would greatly appreciate it.

    Merry Christmas!

    Andrea and Romeo~

  • Sandy Stickney

    Thank you! They had an average Saturday...they spent the day waiting for their daddy to get home from work (I find it highly annoying that they love him best!.)   They will get to have their fun on Sunday with a trip to petsmart. 

  • Kylie

    Hello Jeffersons!  Thanks...Miss Paddles is indeed adorable :)  So are your corgis..magnificent!

  • Lois B. Allen

    Hi Laura,  Your Tommy is quite cute.  Do you have more pics that you could load.  Where are you in school.  I have relatives from OH but don't recognize your address.  I did go to grad school in MI and traveled back and forth across OH going to my home in KY.  My Randy is some boy and a big boy at that.  he is also very loving but boisterous.  I am sorry that he isn't a baby any more but I guess he is still a baby just not little any more.

  • Lois B. Allen

    Professional school would be very stressful and I would guess that a Corgi would be a perfect de-stressor.  We will wait for more pics.  I am not familiar with the Cleveland area have only passed through on the bus once.  Get the camera going when you can.

  • Kimberly Green

    Thank you :) she is my sweet baby

  • Diana Stone (Nett)

    Laura & Tommy- Thanks for the compliment! It gets a little "corgi crazy" around here at times, but I LOVE my kids (corgis)! Your new friend, Diana

  • Andrea De Leo

    Hi Laura,

    Thank you for purchasing my painting entitled "Joe Cool"!

    I mailed it out today. You should be getting it in 2-3 days...

    Here is the tracking number 420440709101150134711215501488

    You can check on the status of the package @

    Thanks again, Andrea~

  • Leasa

    Laura & Tommy

    Greetings fellow Ohioan!!



  • Leasa

    Thank you !  They are only 10 days old.  Watch for more pictures to come.



  • Laura & Penny Lane

    Thanks so much!  She is definitely a unique pup.  (But then again, we all think that about our dogs, don't we?) :-D


    OMG!  Your Corgi is just A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!  The world just seems that much more wonderful with new friends and their corgis.  Thanks, Rosy

  • Bobbie D.

    Thanks.  My boy is only six weeks old.  I can't wait to bring him home!  Momma Leasa has been amazing with the entire litter.  (Trinity Corgis)

    Canine Good Citizen...I'm so impressed!

  • Bobbie D.

    We brought Michael home Monday April 30th.  I haven't been on the computer much...I've just been spending all my time adoring him.  I've been taking pictures, I just don't know when I'll get them uploaded.  Thanks for the nice compliments!

  • liane, emi, and helix!

    oh, tommy jefferson! i am quite honored to be your friend!!

    thanks for the add! tommy is quite a handsome boy!

  • aronna welsh

    Tommy is so cute. He looks likehe is sable color. Butters was born March 12,2012