Gail And Percy


Fife, Scotland

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

About Me:
love long walks with dog
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Percy a Welsh corgi - mum was a Pembroke, dad was a Cardi - he's beautiful and red but with a gorgeous tail- best of both.4 years old - had him since he was a puppy.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Gail and Percy! SIdney is a pembroke, undocked, so he also has a full fluffy tail. Are there many corgis in Scotland?

  • John Wolff

    "Little bumps"?  That's what I said about my beloved Cascades after returning from my first trip to the Canadian Rockies a week ago.

    A lot of the best early climbers were Scots, though.  And Welsh.

    Percy has a great tail.

  • Michelle

    What a beautiful baby you have!  Love that fabulous tail!!! ^..^

  • Roger/Laurie

    Welcome from Chepstow and Tenby the corgi's from North Carolina

  • John Wolff

    Early May 1980, I watched St. Helens jet black ash & steam from probably within the blast area, N side.  3 times, 55 min intervals, like a geyser.  If we'd been there 2 weeks later, we wouldn't be here now.

  • Geri & Sidney

    Percy looks like a beautiful handsome Pembroke with a classic pemmie tail! He's gorgeous!

  • Roger/Laurie

    Chepstow loves being named after a castle ( he thinks he is a royal)  Tenby would rather have another pint and relax. Roger lived in the UK for 35 years.  Our son lives in Bristol, he has an Irish Pub "Seamus Odonnells". We visit at least 2 times a year. I love Scotland, my grandmother was from Oban (spelling?). Wish we could bring the boys with us when we travel, would love to hike with them.

  • Elizabeth and Indy

    Thank you! He is a tricolor. He should have a full red head with just touches of black once he grows up. I can already see the black turning red at 10 weeks! 

  • Roger/Laurie

    We haven't been to Oban in a few years........hope the swans are still there.  I would live in Scotland if I could handle the cold and the pound didn't cost us so much. Next year my husbands will start receiving his English pension in pounds, that will help. Three years ago we spent 2 weeks on a long boat traveling the canels and pubs we saw our first corgi at Stratford on Avon. We travel to Wales a lot to see relatives and never have seen a corgi.  Percy and Chepstow would have fun together.

  • Roger/Laurie

    It has been very hot and humid. If the boys aren't in the lake they are in the house enjoying the air conditioning.  Even Chepstow who would chase a ball to the end of the earth, isn't playing much.  We are getting 3pm heavy rain which just adds more thick humid air.

  • Elizabeth and Indy

    I hadn't realized it either until the breeder told us. If you stroke back the fur on his head you can see the brown/red coming in. It's almost as if he dyed his hair and his roots are coming in! We are still working on the leash issue, but I'm sure it just takes patience and maturity.