Kristen & Nora

Minneapolis, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Pickford, MI
About Me:
I work at a college in Minneapolis and live in a dog friendly apartment complex with my cardi, Nora, & my cat Lily. I enjoy walks around our many lakes, or hiking at some of the local state parks. I camp several times a year! I grew up a farm girl and I while I live in the city you can't really take the farm girl out of me.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I brought Nora home on May 25, 2012. She is a 3 year old brindle cardi and a super sweet heart!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jane Christensen

    Welcome Kristen!

  • Jane Christensen

    We sure enjoyed having you visit us...the Corgis love company as you could see and you're welcome to visit anytime:)

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hi Kristen,

    Sorry I haven't been in touch.  I just got out of the hospital...I am unfortunately dying of kidney failure.  Did you adopt Bella?  We adopted two of Jane's kiddos...Rainy who was hers and Calvin who was her rescue.  Jane is wonderful and so are her dogs.  We couldn't be happier.  I would make the trip again if I could!

  • Jane Christensen

    Congrats...your dream is about to come true:)
  • Jane Christensen

    Congrats...can't wait to hear more and see pics of Nora:) You finally did it!!!!

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Awww...she is super sweet!  Can't wait to see some more pictures...especially of those big ears and sweet tail!!!

  • Jane Christensen

    How is Nora doing?????

  • Jane Christensen

    Got some great pics today...will send you them later tonight and posy some on MyCorgi:)