Does Franklin try to bury is bones too, that is he gets any. I've never seen a dog do this before and it cracks me up to no end! If her food bowl is anywhere except in the kitchen she tries to bury it and she will bury her bone daily. She'll walk around with it in her mouth and whine until it's covered....I have no other dogs so I just don't get it! In any case, it's hilarious!
Hey Melissa and Franklin! I just wanted to stop by to say thank you. I noticed when people have something to say about vet med you respond with exactly what I would say. Things like tech draw blood and proper restraint would mean the doc doesn't get bit... all very true. I think many people don't understand what techs do and just see them as "helpers" to the doc who does everything. Can you imagine if the docs did all the fecals and UAs?! It would always make me smile when the docs would get compliments on the dentals I did. LOL Someday everyone will know that behind every good vet is a tech doing all the dirty work. ~_^
Hey Melissa, how is your search for a cardigan going? I saw this morning on Samhain Cardigan's blog they just had a litter of 8. They are in Seattle I believe which is kind of far but she does ship. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were still looking around. :)
We're in Land Park. As my little guy is only 6+ months I have only taken him to fenced in dog parks and our preferred is Sutter Landing off 28th/C.
I see you have a tri-colored also -- there's another tri-colored 3-year female named Stella that lives downtown and heads to the park now and then. Outside that - I've seen a couple golden ones but not all that often.
Can you send me the details of the Saturday meet up? I'd love to head over as long as it's not like El Dorado Hills or something!
With the dog parks -- I really wanted the socialization aspects and play more than anything else. We've been lucky overall. Sutter Landing on 28th/C has 2 sections -- <25lbs and/or older slow dogs and the large dog park.
Jake goes to both depending -- if the small dog park is a bunch of lightweight toy dogs he @ 19lbs is a bit big and plays rougher. If there's Bostons, Cockers or other larger terriers in the small he's perfect.
I will admit -- the larger side can be scary as sometimes there's well over a dozen huge dogs - -and that's intimidating for me!
I just found the details of the Folsom meet up tomorrow --
We've also been to Belle Coolidge dog park on Fruitridge/South Land Park drive -- I find the dogs are all larger and the space is quite large and grassy. There's no separate spaces for small/large and because of the size/hills -- it's really easy to lose sight of your dog. It's all 100% fenced though so that isn't an issue - but losing sight of your dog means other owners do also -- so our little monsters end up getting into more aggressive plan/fights without being checked.
Hi Melissa,greetings from Napa!!Was wondering if You heard back from the poor Greenfield lady about the pup Harley.We also sent a message and haven't heard back.Hopefully,she's found a home for Harley!!Nice to see Your pups pics!!We have 2 young full of spunk pups too.
Hi, I just posted a discussion about Lance and Tucker getting in a fight over crushed ice in bowls. Tucker got his tooth stuck in his mouth and punctured it and Lance split his lip inside, where the pink and black meet. I am not sure how to explain it. Was wondering what I should do. Thanks.
Melissa, we met at Phoenix dog park a few months ago w/our corgis. I had Sophie at the time. I recently had to put her down and I now have a 6month old puppy named Milo. If you would like, we could meet with our pups. I'd like to socialize Milo and I think franklin might be a good match. Milo is somewhat timid and I think they might give each other some confidence. He's been to the dog park once and did OK - he's not aggressive at all. Let me know. I'm fairly flexible. Thanks, June
Hi Melissa. I had a little cuddle with my Bootsie boo and thought it was a good opportunity to do that paw thing with him. I set him on the ground and attempted to recreate it with his back paw first, he wanted no part of it. I tried several times and he immediately righted his paw and looked at me like "wth momma" LOL I did it with his front paws as well and he corrected them as well. I will still get him to the vet for a thorough check up but I feel a little better.
Hi Melissa I saw on one of your posts you might want to get a cardi :) I got zeus from a breeder in Jackson, she is a nice lady we still communicate with her and she is a good breeder just incase you are interested I don't know if she has any puppies right now but if you decide you want one it is not too far from you :) let me know I can give you her email if you decide to go that route
Thanks! I checked out your discussion, he's so cool looking! I use a Nikon D3000. I haven't gotten to play with it much since my 2nd baby though. :(
I hope he and Franklin have lots of fun together! I've always loved your posts/pictures so I can't wait to see what happens.
I'm on my second fluffy Pem with heat intolerance. Even though most people think it isn't good for Corgis, I clip Randy because he was insisting on staying in all during hot weather. In AL there is a lot of hot weather. This year, I will probably clip him twice, once in April and once later as he needs it.
Love the pictures.. They are great. The new corgi is so luck. You are doing like me. Lots of patience and time to get our new pets use to things. So exciting when they achieve a new goal. Lots of luck.
Melissa, Do you a brush or one of those things you put on your finger to brush a dogs tooth? If you, you might be able to brush his broken tooth with a LITTLE peroxide and keep it from getting infected so quickly. Infections don't usually get going toooo quickly. That might give you some breathing room for getting the extraction done.
Melissa, So sorry that it is so complicated. I hope you got the price down some. What are you studying? Apparently, you are in some type of scientific program since some of your teachers are vets. I would be interested since I am a scientist. I guess Franklin doesn't do things in small proportions. Its too bad it is such a major brake. Good luck with him and the new baby. Have you posed updates on it?
Have you tried contacting the PWCCA CA breeders. Often they have an adult that they couldn't finish or CH Corgis that they can no longer afford to maintain?
Ohh how exciting:) Is it a boy, girl? Cardigan, Pembroke?:P Color?:) I was hesitant to even send you his link because of the aggression thing listed, but I just thought that maybe it was misunderstandings, etc:P I hope that things work out with the one you're going to meet, it seems like you are having a tough time and rotten luck with the search, I bet you'll be happy when it's over and you have your new family member. I have to say, having Ziggy took a huge load off of me. There's no proof, but I'm pretty sure I was getting so anxious and stressed over wanting a Corgi so bad in the last 1-2 months before bringing Ziggy home that I was making myself sick LOL. (Went to the ER over five times, lost a little over 30lbs in the last waiting month because I could hardly eat because it hurt my stomach, went to the doctors, had an ultra sound at another place, had to do tests, etc.. They couldn't find anything wrong with me. My stomach is still kinda screwey, but I can eat again, and I'm not in constant pain like before-getting better everyday is what it feels like!) I was made fun of that it was over being so Corgi crazed.. But it kinda did make sense, just because every time I would see a Corgi online, my stomach would feel like it was wringing itself out! xD (Super hard to deal with, being a daily MyCorgi user haha.)
Ohh wow he's too cute:) I love all Corgi colors, they just don't get less cute! It does sound like it's going to be a challenge to keep him down and out for that time haha-but at least it's not impossible:D You can do it:P
I know what you mean about the whole cat thing. I got WAY too ahead of myself when we got Ziggy-I was so excited about him that I didn't even ask if he liked cats, I spaced out on it completely until we had already picked him up and were in the car heading home, and my mom asked, "How does he do with cats?" I about choked. LUCKY for me, it hasn't been much of an issue and before I let him around my cats, I contacted Katie again to see how he does-which he likes cats more than dogs:P He and Skittles are getting along better today. I made Skittles lay down with him and started petting them both as soon as he stayed, which they both enjoyed and neither moved away from the other or anything, the just sat there laying together, touching and all. It was cute:) Fingers crossed that he is what the rescue says. It seems kind of likely, as rescues are to find good forever homes, but sometimes things fall through:/
I am very excited for being able to add another Corgi, even though it won't be for a long time:P Of course, it will be a puppy this time around.. Hopefully. Ziggy was supposed to be a puppy xD I honestly didn't think I would find an adult Corgi before a puppy, because I was stalking puppy ads and stuff and only checking up on adult Corgis occasionally. Not to mention the fact that I hadn't ever seen any Corgis whatsoever here where I live. But I guess that's my fault for not getting out more, because a breeder lived about a few miles away from me as it turns out:P
I just adopted a Cardi yesterday, about 1 yr old. So much harder than I expected it to be!!! My husband was going to get me a puppy, but I was swayed by his cute looks!!
They are both possessive over toys and my lap. My kids aren't going to meet him until Friday afternoon.
I am a bit nervous about everything working out, I got him from the Humane Society, so we are going to have to find a way to work it out. I haven't had any trouble with him alone, but when they are together I've had some issues.
I look forward to finding out what you do next! It's a fun time.
I just posted 3 pictures of my new Cardi (named him Phantom btw). They are from my phone. Will try to get on and post one from my real camera layer tonight.
Congratulations on your beautiful new Corgi. Have you named him yet? What a lucky little guy he is to have found a loving home. Too bad you have a friend named Benjamin. I thought it was a great recommendation. Maybe your friend would be honored?? Teddy was a good one, too. I struggle with names. haha. I'm the one that named my rescue Rafa!
Melissa, I have a quick question. I know you tired some over the counter anixety meds for Kirby and I need your opioion. Tenby is a homebody and we have been doing some traveling in the RV. Most of the time he is OK with new places but at times he gets nervous. I am looking for something that I can give him when he starts to feel out of sorts. It would need to work semi quickly but not drug him out. He takes tramadol daily and sometimes diphenhydraine when he gets itchy. You have had so much experience with this, do you have a favorite?
Thanks Melissa, we haven't tried the Calming Treats. Think we will try them at home before the next trip. Not sure how we will know if they are working, Tenby is such a couch potatoe at home. I think the fireworks over the 4th is what really did him in. We were at the beach and and stayed inside the RV, but he could hear them. Chepstow could care less if one went off next to him
Thanx for reminding Me of the issuewiththe rescue. you got Kirbyfrom,but I haven't heard a word out of the site,so probably not anything to worry about.So sad when people don't do what they profess to do.Hope he finds a great home.Take care.
I really like the pic of Frank in his booties with the mountain backdrop. Kinda looks like eastern WA. He's a striking-looking dog. Try a cooling vest if he gets hot. I think the Chillybuddy works, but you need a custom size to fit a corgi -- or cut down the girth strap on a Medium.
I may try those fleece booties. Beca (& Mishka) was kind enough to give me a set of RuffWear booties. Will have to modify them a bit.
Melissa, I found Wholesome Hide retriever super rolls on for about $5 for a 10" roll. I am hoping that that will be something that will slow Reese down. Lois
Melissa, The super Wholesome Hide rolls arrived this morning and I nearly fainted because they are so big and the rawhide that was rolled is very think. I think it will be great if they learn how to chew on them. I am wondering if I am going to have to return the other 4 for smaller ones but I hope not. Even Reese is looking frustrated but is trying to work on hers but she can hear noises from another room where Randy is working on his so we will see what happens. They certainly succeed in providing something that will require slow chewing. Reese is my gulper and she is frustrated because she can't gulp a large mouthful down, where as Randy is patiently chewing away!! This will be interesting to see how it goes.
Hi Melissa, Each dog has developed his/her own technique with the hide rolls. I had to go to Birmingham so I took the rolls away from them and then fed them "on time" when I got home. Then Randy growled after eating which I thought was associated with the rolls so I gave each their own and growled quite a bit but Randy finally went to the bed room so she seems calming some. I do think they are the things that will help save her teeth and keep them occupied, although I may have to take them away at times.
Kassi Hawkins
Apr 3, 2011
Gail and Ashton
Apr 22, 2011
Jen, Brody & Buddy
May 25, 2011
Hey Melissa, how is your search for a cardigan going? I saw this morning on Samhain Cardigan's blog they just had a litter of 8. They are in Seattle I believe which is kind of far but she does ship. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were still looking around. :)
Jun 9, 2011
Paul, Greg and Jake
We're in Land Park. As my little guy is only 6+ months I have only taken him to fenced in dog parks and our preferred is Sutter Landing off 28th/C.
I see you have a tri-colored also -- there's another tri-colored 3-year female named Stella that lives downtown and heads to the park now and then. Outside that - I've seen a couple golden ones but not all that often.
I'd love a doggie play date!
Jul 14, 2011
Paul, Greg and Jake
Can you send me the details of the Saturday meet up? I'd love to head over as long as it's not like El Dorado Hills or something!
With the dog parks -- I really wanted the socialization aspects and play more than anything else. We've been lucky overall. Sutter Landing on 28th/C has 2 sections -- <25lbs and/or older slow dogs and the large dog park.
Jake goes to both depending -- if the small dog park is a bunch of lightweight toy dogs he @ 19lbs is a bit big and plays rougher. If there's Bostons, Cockers or other larger terriers in the small he's perfect.
I will admit -- the larger side can be scary as sometimes there's well over a dozen huge dogs - -and that's intimidating for me!
Jul 15, 2011
Paul, Greg and Jake
I just found the details of the Folsom meet up tomorrow --
We've also been to Belle Coolidge dog park on Fruitridge/South Land Park drive -- I find the dogs are all larger and the space is quite large and grassy. There's no separate spaces for small/large and because of the size/hills -- it's really easy to lose sight of your dog. It's all 100% fenced though so that isn't an issue - but losing sight of your dog means other owners do also -- so our little monsters end up getting into more aggressive plan/fights without being checked.
Jul 15, 2011
Jane Christensen
Aug 28, 2011
Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)
Aug 28, 2011
Natalie, Lance &Tucker
Sep 11, 2011
Jane Christensen
Sep 12, 2011
Veronica Wagenet
Oct 15, 2011
Sue Taylor
Oct 17, 2011
Melissa, we met at Phoenix dog park a few months ago w/our corgis. I had Sophie at the time. I recently had to put her down and I now have a 6month old puppy named Milo. If you would like, we could meet with our pups. I'd like to socialize Milo and I think franklin might be a good match. Milo is somewhat timid and I think they might give each other some confidence. He's been to the dog park once and did OK - he's not aggressive at all. Let me know. I'm fairly flexible. Thanks, June
Nov 14, 2011
Nicola Porter
Hi Melissa. I had a little cuddle with my Bootsie boo and thought it was a good opportunity to do that paw thing with him. I set him on the ground and attempted to recreate it with his back paw first, he wanted no part of it. I tried several times and he immediately righted his paw and looked at me like "wth momma" LOL I did it with his front paws as well and he corrected them as well. I will still get him to the vet for a thorough check up but I feel a little better.
Nov 26, 2011
Suzi, Zeus & Valentine
Hi Melissa I saw on one of your posts you might want to get a cardi :) I got zeus from a breeder in Jackson, she is a nice lady we still communicate with her and she is a good breeder just incase you are interested I don't know if she has any puppies right now but if you decide you want one it is not too far from you :) let me know I can give you her email if you decide to go that route
Jan 11, 2012
Mal Schaal
Jan 14, 2012
Mal Schaal
I hope he and Franklin have lots of fun together! I've always loved your posts/pictures so I can't wait to see what happens.
Jan 14, 2012
Lois B. Allen
Hi Melissa,
I'm on my second fluffy Pem with heat intolerance. Even though most people think it isn't good for Corgis, I clip Randy because he was insisting on staying in all during hot weather. In AL there is a lot of hot weather. This year, I will probably clip him twice, once in April and once later as he needs it.
Jan 15, 2012
Vicki, Grace and Gizmo
Love the pictures.. They are great. The new corgi is so luck. You are doing like me. Lots of patience and time to get our new pets use to things. So exciting when they achieve a new goal. Lots of luck.
Jan 20, 2012
Rachael & Waffle
No, I didn't see those! They're awesome! And I got my TruckxFranklin fix. I really hope he works out for you, because they seem great together. :D
Jan 20, 2012
Mal Schaal
Jan 22, 2012
Lois B. Allen
Melissa, Do you a brush or one of those things you put on your finger to brush a dogs tooth? If you, you might be able to brush his broken tooth with a LITTLE peroxide and keep it from getting infected so quickly. Infections don't usually get going toooo quickly. That might give you some breathing room for getting the extraction done.
Jan 22, 2012
Lois B. Allen
Melissa, So sorry that it is so complicated. I hope you got the price down some. What are you studying? Apparently, you are in some type of scientific program since some of your teachers are vets. I would be interested since I am a scientist. I guess Franklin doesn't do things in small proportions. Its too bad it is such a major brake. Good luck with him and the new baby. Have you posed updates on it?
Jan 22, 2012
Vicki/Kurt Pegel
Love Love Love, your photography, are you the professional? Just beautiful
Jan 24, 2012
Kayla and Mason
Feb 4, 2012
Kara with Dasiy & Scout
I just LOVE all of Franklin's new pictures you posted! He is a handsome boy!
Feb 17, 2012
Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )
Have you tried contacting the PWCCA CA breeders. Often they have an adult that they couldn't finish or CH Corgis that they can no longer afford to maintain?
Feb 25, 2012
Emily & Scout
Feb 26, 2012
Zigward & Kimberly
I don't know if it's what you are looking for, but it's in CA, and I figured it couldn't hurt to let you know about it, if you don't already!
Feb 27, 2012
Zigward & Kimberly
Ohh how exciting:) Is it a boy, girl? Cardigan, Pembroke?:P Color?:) I was hesitant to even send you his link because of the aggression thing listed, but I just thought that maybe it was misunderstandings, etc:P I hope that things work out with the one you're going to meet, it seems like you are having a tough time and rotten luck with the search, I bet you'll be happy when it's over and you have your new family member. I have to say, having Ziggy took a huge load off of me. There's no proof, but I'm pretty sure I was getting so anxious and stressed over wanting a Corgi so bad in the last 1-2 months before bringing Ziggy home that I was making myself sick LOL. (Went to the ER over five times, lost a little over 30lbs in the last waiting month because I could hardly eat because it hurt my stomach, went to the doctors, had an ultra sound at another place, had to do tests, etc.. They couldn't find anything wrong with me. My stomach is still kinda screwey, but I can eat again, and I'm not in constant pain like before-getting better everyday is what it feels like!) I was made fun of that it was over being so Corgi crazed.. But it kinda did make sense, just because every time I would see a Corgi online, my stomach would feel like it was wringing itself out! xD (Super hard to deal with, being a daily MyCorgi user haha.)
Feb 28, 2012
Zigward & Kimberly
Ohh wow he's too cute:) I love all Corgi colors, they just don't get less cute! It does sound like it's going to be a challenge to keep him down and out for that time haha-but at least it's not impossible:D You can do it:P
I know what you mean about the whole cat thing. I got WAY too ahead of myself when we got Ziggy-I was so excited about him that I didn't even ask if he liked cats, I spaced out on it completely until we had already picked him up and were in the car heading home, and my mom asked, "How does he do with cats?" I about choked. LUCKY for me, it hasn't been much of an issue and before I let him around my cats, I contacted Katie again to see how he does-which he likes cats more than dogs:P He and Skittles are getting along better today. I made Skittles lay down with him and started petting them both as soon as he stayed, which they both enjoyed and neither moved away from the other or anything, the just sat there laying together, touching and all. It was cute:) Fingers crossed that he is what the rescue says. It seems kind of likely, as rescues are to find good forever homes, but sometimes things fall through:/
I am very excited for being able to add another Corgi, even though it won't be for a long time:P Of course, it will be a puppy this time around.. Hopefully. Ziggy was supposed to be a puppy xD I honestly didn't think I would find an adult Corgi before a puppy, because I was stalking puppy ads and stuff and only checking up on adult Corgis occasionally. Not to mention the fact that I hadn't ever seen any Corgis whatsoever here where I live. But I guess that's my fault for not getting out more, because a breeder lived about a few miles away from me as it turns out:P
Feb 28, 2012
Mal Schaal
They are both possessive over toys and my lap. My kids aren't going to meet him until Friday afternoon.
I am a bit nervous about everything working out, I got him from the Humane Society, so we are going to have to find a way to work it out. I haven't had any trouble with him alone, but when they are together I've had some issues.
I look forward to finding out what you do next! It's a fun time.
Mar 1, 2012
Mal Schaal
Mar 3, 2012
Mal Schaal
Mar 3, 2012
Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )
Congratulations on your beautiful new Corgi. Have you named him yet? What a lucky little guy he is to have found a loving home. Too bad you have a friend named Benjamin. I thought it was a great recommendation. Maybe your friend would be honored?? Teddy was a good one, too. I struggle with names. haha. I'm the one that named my rescue Rafa!
Mar 11, 2012
Natalie, Lance &Tucker
love your profile pic!!!
Apr 11, 2012
John Wolff
GREAT photos.
Apr 11, 2012
Bax & Zigs & Rosie
Your profile picture is too cute!
Apr 23, 2012
Melissa, I have a quick question. I know you tired some over the counter anixety meds for Kirby and I need your opioion. Tenby is a homebody and we have been doing some traveling in the RV. Most of the time he is OK with new places but at times he gets nervous. I am looking for something that I can give him when he starts to feel out of sorts. It would need to work semi quickly but not drug him out. He takes tramadol daily and sometimes diphenhydraine when he gets itchy. You have had so much experience with this, do you have a favorite?
Jul 9, 2012
Thanks Melissa, we haven't tried the Calming Treats. Think we will try them at home before the next trip. Not sure how we will know if they are working, Tenby is such a couch potatoe at home. I think the fireworks over the 4th is what really did him in. We were at the beach and and stayed inside the RV, but he could hear them. Chepstow could care less if one went off next to him
Jul 10, 2012
Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)
Jul 11, 2012
Chris, Kadi & Brodie
Just wondering how the move went and if things are settling down?
Jul 13, 2012
Chloe's parent Liz
How are things going?
Jul 18, 2012
Chris, Kadi & Brodie
Been wondering how things are going? Is Kirby settling in or is he getting back to his holy terror self?
Aug 16, 2012
John Wolff
Nice pic of Frank in the mountains. Kinda miss seeing him with Kirby....
Nov 18, 2012
John Wolff
I really like the pic of Frank in his booties with the mountain backdrop. Kinda looks like eastern WA. He's a striking-looking dog. Try a cooling vest if he gets hot. I think the Chillybuddy works, but you need a custom size to fit a corgi -- or cut down the girth strap on a Medium.
I may try those fleece booties. Beca (& Mishka) was kind enough to give me a set of RuffWear booties. Will have to modify them a bit.
Nov 23, 2012
Lois B. Allen
Melissa, I found Wholesome Hide retriever super rolls on for about $5 for a 10" roll. I am hoping that that will be something that will slow Reese down. Lois
Dec 14, 2012
Lois B. Allen
Melissa, The super Wholesome Hide rolls arrived this morning and I nearly fainted because they are so big and the rawhide that was rolled is very think. I think it will be great if they learn how to chew on them. I am wondering if I am going to have to return the other 4 for smaller ones but I hope not. Even Reese is looking frustrated but is trying to work on hers but she can hear noises from another room where Randy is working on his so we will see what happens. They certainly succeed in providing something that will require slow chewing. Reese is my gulper and she is frustrated because she can't gulp a large mouthful down, where as Randy is patiently chewing away!! This will be interesting to see how it goes.
Dec 20, 2012
Lois B. Allen
Hi Melissa, Each dog has developed his/her own technique with the hide rolls. I had to go to Birmingham so I took the rolls away from them and then fed them "on time" when I got home. Then Randy growled after eating which I thought was associated with the rolls so I gave each their own and growled quite a bit but Randy finally went to the bed room so she seems calming some. I do think they are the things that will help save her teeth and keep them occupied, although I may have to take them away at times.
Dec 20, 2012