Emily & Scout


Crawfordsville, IN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I currently live with Scout and her "brother" a grey cat named Swarley. I love hiking and have finally been able to get Scout on some nearby trails when it has been nice out. I went to ISU for Geology. I work at IN Dept of Transportation testing material used for road construction. I am engaged to the best man in the world, so on Nov 3, 2012, Scout gets a new daddy!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Scout is around 7 years old. I got her from a friend at work who knew people that weren't taking care of her. Scout was "free range" around the whole neighborhood and wasn't let inside. But now she thinks she owns the house. I could not wish for a better dog. She is calm, always happy, and one of the sweetest dogs ever. I am lucky to have her in my life. She has 2 cat siblings and a dog sister. (of which only 1 -Swarley the cat-lives with us) My parents and I share Hershi (a 14 yr old mix dog) and Priscilla (a 1 yr old cat)
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Welcome Emily. Good luck with Scout!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Emily and Scout! How are things going?
  • WhiteDove

  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Emily! We do therapy work with Sidney through Love on a Leash. I see there is a chapter in Marion. I don't know if they do any work closer to you, but I figure it would be a good start. http://loveonaleashin.org/default.aspx

    Sidney needed to pass basic obedience, then the Canine Good Citizen test, then took a 6-week training course on how not to be afraid of things like walkers and wheelchairs. After that is 10 supervised visits, then we are official! He does well with older folks but what he really loves is being with kids, so we're going to look into library reading programs next :)

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Peggy Woods

    Scout is a very lucky girl! Happy to hear you two found each other :)
  • A & P

    Hi, good luck finding a vet or a place that can do the teeth cleaning.  I would also recommend if you can't find the non asthesthic cleaning, try professional grooming services.  They are great at teeth cleaning.  I would admit, I am terrible at it but will try. And my dogs still love me.  Also I was told not to use dental dog paste with meat favors as the dogs will only end up licking the paste.  And was told  a wet wash cloth and a bowl of water will do.  However, now that I read your page, you may want to take Scout to the vet so they can check out her teeth.   Scout is very lucky to have you as a parent.  : )
  • Jane Christensen

    Scout is beautiful...I love those white spots on each side of her face:)
  • Brittany and ruger

    your dog is very pretty
  • Robyn

    haha it's to funny! i love ur corgi! so beautiful!


  • Brittany and ruger

    HI and yes petsmart does do one on one training classes you have two options with the one on one classes you can pick the one class were itis only one session for one hour any day and time you want and it is 80.00 dollars then you have the one one hour four time session were it is one hour ne time and day you choose for four times so if you choose once a week it would be four weeks and that class is 200.00 there are benifits to one on one classes one there are no other destractions two the trainer is just working with you and your dog not five other dogs so what you learn in two session group class you can learn in 40 minutes of your one hour single session and third the trainer works on what ever you want to work on with your dog so if for one of your sessions you want to work on sitting and laying down they well work on that its your decision on what you want to teach your dog unlike when you go to group classes the trainer decides what to work on but there are great things about group classes your dog gets to meet other dogs you have people to talk to ect hope what ever you choose you guys have fun doing
  • Brittany and ruger

    Yes i really want to do agelity training with ruger to like you said if not for competition just for fun im actually getting ready to go to school to become a trainer and it teaches me all about agelity training along with service dog training k-9 cop training hunting and sporting training basic training ect its going to be super fun and super cool i think good luck and you'll have a blast im sure
  • Brittany and ruger

    Thanks for the info i'll try it Ya hey is cute we love him so muchits amazing how much you canlove a dog scout is very cute to thanks for the info
  • John Wolff

    Scout reminds me of Dante, Gwynn's sire, Al's granddaddy. Blackheaded tri with almost no brown; he looks like one of those glitter-rock stars like Kiss or something, all painted black & white with stripes.
    I just read an article in Harper's about homeless living in California; the author commented that the homeless folks' dogs all seemed remarkably calm, well-behaved; so maybe Scout's "free-range" days equipped her with street-savvy and people-savvy.
    Looks like you got lucky.
  • Katie

    Scout and Molly have the same tan stockings on the back of their back legs.  So cute! I think it makes them look sassy!
  • John Wolff

    Oh please put that photo in the Corgi Photgraphers' "PhotoShop Corgis" subgroup.
    This is Dante (Haley's D'Artagnan):

    He'sGwynnie's dad; 10 y.o. now, I'll get to see him an a coupla months when the new puppies are ripe.
  • Heather Mason

    Thank you for the welcome! Scout is adorable!
  • Jane Christensen

    You 2 have a wonderful "welcome" pic!
  • Jane Christensen

    Ho Emily,


    Not sure if I ever answered you about the corgi curser. You could ask White Dove...she helped me with mine.

  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)

    Scout is beautiful :)
  • Tracy

    Thanks for the welcomes!
  • Daniel & Lyra

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • John Wolff

    I don't know how all these kennel relationships work, but I gather "Emrys" is Liz Myhre -- don't know who she is or where, but if she's worked with Carrie, she likely knows her stuff.
  • Kara with Dasiy & Scout

    Thank you so much for the welcome! I just found MyCorgi.com and I am addicted already. :)
  • P Lynn Savary

    Thank you for the Welcome we are happy to be part of the Corgi clan now!!
  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday....hope you had a good one!
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you Emily & Scout. . .the new kid on the block is a Corgi in a Peanut body. . . . .LOL
  • WhiteDove

    Yes, as I like to call them the "ologies". . .lol My specialty is Archaeology. Just love it but not as much as my Pupsters. . .

    I get to visit MyCorgi from work too but I'm usually so busy, I don't get much of a chance to reply.

    Well, getting ready to leave for work so thanks for your comment.

    L8R G8R,

  • Melissa and Franklin!

    I actually haven't met him yet. The rescue couldn't meet today so we are going to meet sometime next week. i am so excited! 

  • LA Stewart

    I wanted to be sure you saw the CORGI-CON event.  It is listed on the MyCorgi main page under EVENTS.  You live only a little over an hour from the event and I wanted to encourage you to bring Scout.  She looks adorable.  It would be a chance for Scout to interact with other Corgis.  I have attended 2 Corgi events with my dogs and they had a blast playing with the other Corgis.  There was  a lot of HERDING going on.  Hope to see you at CORGI-CON.

  • LA Stewart

    The weather will be beautiful on Saturday for CORGI-CON.

    Hope you can join us!

  • LA Stewart

    I think we missed you at CORGI-CON yesterday or did I miss meeting you?

    We had 23 Corgis!  I was busy trying to keep things organized, so I was stuck behind the information table. 


  • LA Stewart

    I see you put together an event!  SUPER! 

    That is right when we get back from vacation, but I am tempted.  I'll talk to my husband about whether he will be up for it so soon after our NC trip. It is about 2 hours for us, so it is possible. 

  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Happy Birthday Emily!!:)

  • Mandy and Lori

    Happy Birthday!!!  ♥  Mandy

  • Rebecca

    Emily, please be careful with Bruno farms . they are not a reputable breeder. The yare cross breeding with aussies and corgis which causes severe problems with the pups.