

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Penfield, NY
About Me:
I'll be getting a corgi in two weeks. I'm looking to learn and share info about these adorable pups!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
First time corgi-soon to be named!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Yuki & Ellie

    Welcome to the site!  :)  Congratulations on your soon-to-be new addition!

  • WhiteDove

  • WhiteDove

    OMG. . .Congrats. . .I could hardly stand it when I was waiting for my Cloe to be shipped to California from Minnesota. . .I was counting the minutes when I left work to pick her up at the airport. She was tiny and so excited to jump into my arms when I opened her crate. I took her to work to show her off. . .she never got so many gifts and hugs and kisses from my co-workers. They love looking at my pictures (I have one of those rotating frames that has over 1,000 pictures). I know you will have loads of fun with your new Pupster. . .again Congrats!!!!!

  • WhiteDove

    Have a Corgiful evening. . .LOL
  • Bogart the Cardigan

    The breeder named him Bogart, and we couldn't agree on any other name that we liked more (I wanted Frodo). But we registered him as Walnut Creek's Lord Bogart Farnsworth, and Farnsworth is from and old movie called Here Comes Mr. Jordan. How exciting for you that your new fur baby will soon be with you!!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!! Do you have your pup now?  Congrats, he/she?  is adorable!!

    What breeder are you getting your pup from?

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    You have found a great site, to help you through anything you may need help with!!!  Who is your pups Mom and Dad?  I have to ask, although I am pretty sure your pup isnt related to mine  lol.  You never know though, lol

  • Michelle

    Oh my.....Your baby is Adorable!  Beware you might find it impossible to say no to such a cute face!  Mine run all over me! LOL 

  • Ciara & Macy

    Oh my goodness your puppy is too cute! I love it! Good luck saying no to a face like that. Lol stay strong! (:
  • Priss, Charlie & Kaylee (PK)

    OMG, too cute!

  • Rebecca

    Welcome Jee, so so cute. I have a blue boy as well. love them.


  • Lindsay, Fae, and Jimmy

    Welcome to MyCorgi! What a beautiful pup!

  • Lois B. Allen

    He is a beautiful little fellow.  Is he going to be a fluffy?  I have had 2 and don't mind.

  • Lois B. Allen

    Hi Jee,  With regard to fluffy coats, the good news is that they don't shed as badly as their short haired counterparts.  I had one regular Cardi and she shed all the time with 2 bad periods a year (spring and fall) and my mixed breed which I think is part pem sheds all of the time as well.  If you pet her, you end up with a hand full of fur.  Now, in the spring, you will new to brush him well and will ned a good rake.  Their undercoat does gradually loosen and you do need to keep working on it. Actually, someone on this site indicated that a device called a "Tangle Teezer" was good to start them will.  It doesn't go very deep but doesn't pull the hair.  It is good to use on a baby to get them used to working on their hair.  Because Randy is a fluff, I provide treats and have found that the non-sugared cherrio type cereal are good treats.  Randy has to be bribed in order to groom him. I actually use a human hair brush with those little plastic dots on the ends for preliminary brushing and then move on to the rake.  I suspect that that won't be a problem for you until next year but do look for a Tangle Teezer and use it to get him used to brushing.  I live in the south and it gets hot.  Both of my 2 fluffs have been temperature sensitive and I have ended up clipping them in the summer.  When I got my previous fluff, she would fall down and start gasping and I would run her to the vet clinic to see what was wrong and they would tell me that her heart and lungs were fine.  I finally figured out that she would get hot playing and flop down and just huff and puff.  I had hoped that Randy wouldn't have that problem but he has it also.  I will probably end up clipping him during the next month or last.  If you remember the winter before last was mild and then we had 90+ temps. in March and I ended up clipping him in March.  Here we are at April and fortunately I don't need to do it yet.  The first time takes a lot of time and I have learned a lot over the years.  I leave his hair at about 1/8th inch and it grows rapidly.  The funny thing is that what ever is cut the shortest grows the fastest, so if I screw up, it evens out.  I do this because I want him to go out and have a good time.  But to tell you the truth, clipping does prevent the worst of the brushing and digging out the undercoat.  Your baby is such a beautiful little fellow.  Randy is an alpha male and that has caused some problems because he tried to dominate but we have worked on that and it isn't too bad.  Good luck with your sweet baby.  If you ever get him clipped, tell them not to clip to the skin, I have heart tails about poor babies being clipped to the skin.

  • Bogart the Cardigan

    Have you named him yet?  He sure is adorable!