Winry + Holly

Reno, NV

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My girlfriend Emily and I are getting our first dog together. This would actually be her fourth dog. Her first was a Dalmatian named Maggie. Maggie lived a long happy life. Emily never remembered a day where Maggie wasn't bigger than her. Her other two dogs, Teddy and Charlie, live far away with her mother. This is my first and I hope to share every moment of it.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Privately her name is Little Miss Sunshine but everyone can call her "Winry". She is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and was born Feb. 13 2013. She is about 5 weeks old and will join our family April 10th.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Bandith and Winry! Is that Winry Rockbell from FMA?

  • Tracy & Sir Bentley

    Welcome to MyCorgi!

  • Geri & Sidney

    I love FMA too! Winry is a great name. I thought Ed would be good for a boy corgi since he's short, smart and stubborn!

  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Welcome to MyCorgi!! Hoppy Easter!! It's nice to meet someone kinda close to us here in Minden!! I bet you are counting down the days until Winry comes home furever!

  • WhiteDove

     photo corgipaws5template4.jpg
  • Jane Christensen

    How is Winry???????????????????