Billy BeBeau


Ashland, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Ashland, WI
About Me:
^_^ (sadly not a corgi owner, but I do love them and wish I had one) Though I do have two adorable, old, and lazy hounds by the names of Sophie (a black lab/golden retriever mix)and Sadie (a chocolate lab) ^_^
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
At the moment I only own invisible corgis, a vast free roaming range of invisible corgis as far as thee I can see... and two other silly dogs
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Lola and Paige

    Hey you! Welcome to My Corgi.  You must be a ninja to find basically the only social media outlet that I'm a part of.  Anyways what's up/

  • Jane Christensen


  • Lola and Paige

    Hey, just wondering how you found out about My Corgi?

  • Lola and Paige

    Haha, I just wanted to add that you are actually lucky cuz I'm not really on My Corgi that much either lol. Instead I'm with my corgi!