Lola and Paige


Bayfield, WI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
It has been one crazy adventure since I started my account on this site! My veterinarian plans didn't work out but I am currently enrolled at Ashford University where I am pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. Lola and I have moved five times since I last used this site and we are now in our permanent home that I bought with my husband (oh yeah, I got married just over a year ago). Also is not alone anymore! My husband and I purchase a little brother for her in the summer of 2015 and they have become inseparable!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lola is still my best girl and we enjoy plenty of long walks and rough housing! She is the calmest and smartest dog that I've owned so she definitely makes things a breeze for me! However, I've learned just how different corgis can be from one another! Lola's brother Watson (he's not really her brother we just call him that) has the opposite personally and very much resembles the energizer bunny not just with his nonstop energy, but his giant ears as well. Lola is my calm demeanored ginger with a tail while Watson is my sassy tricolor with the adorable corgi nub! I love both my furbabies and they definitely keep me on my toes!

Unfortunately I can’t bring myself to delete what I’ve previously typed as Lola was and will always be my best girl, but unfortunately Lola became unexpectedly sick from cancer and we had to make the difficult decision to let her cross the rainbow bridge on 1/23/24..
I have:

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  • Brooke Busteed

    Aww I thought this site was gone. Billy is the strangest yet most amazing dog in the world. Smartest dog I've ever met.
  • Anna Morelli

    Thank you for your friend request, I hope you soon have the information you need to both help Lola feel better and to get some good sleep :-)

  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday Lola! Your brother from North Carolina also wishes all his brothers and sisters a "Happy Birthday" Hope you had a wonderful day and got lots of fun birthday presents!