Rachelle N

Nashville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:

Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tipper is a Welsh Cardigan Corgi mix.
She was three years old when I adopted her from a Brentwood, TN SPCA rescue group. She'd been left behind in a foreclosed house with two other dogs. She is such a great dog,
She is eight years old now and very healthy.
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall:

  • Lori A. Haskett

    Welcome Rachelle! I so love to hear of rescues! I wish you and your girl all the best. Thank you for sharing your story...so awesome!!! Lori, Callie & Cooper
  • christy fry

    welcome =)
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Welcome Rachelle and cute lil rescue corgi! Would would leave behind dogs?! That little sweetie is probably so much happier with you!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome to the site, Rachelle!
  • Carol Rea

    Welcome Rachelle and your rescue! She is adorable. I am just learning about forclosure rescues, I am glad you were there fot her. Carol and her 2 rescues Lucky and Sonny
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Tim Lum

    Actually I signed up with petfinders.com. You put in what breed and and how far you want to travel and they send you profiles of rescues in that area.
  • yvonne reames

    Why Thank you. Do you happen to work at the 'Times? My partners friend Jack is an editor their.
  • yvonne reames

    How do you like Chicago compared to NYC? My sister lives in Chicago and my partner worked and lived in Chicago for about 5 years. I absolutely love your pic. How you did you photo imagry or cut & paste; well, very fun.
  • Cathlin Barry

    He's the furriest dog I've ever known! And the trouble with furry dogs is, they don't want to cuddle on cold nights--they're warm enough already. So I have to rely on his short-haired sister but she really prefers to sleep on top of the covers with a blanket over her. I really miss my late Italian greyhound. She was a cuddler and was like a little radiator.

    Rescues Rule!

  • rosemary

    What a pretty face your dog has and I love those eyebrows!  A real cutie!