yvonne reames


Coopersville, MI

United States

Profile Information:

grand rapids
About Me:
My partner and I love dogs.

We have 4 dogs: Keeshound, Tug; Corgi, Truman; Jack Russell Terrier, Stuart; Terrier mix, Minnow. Rarely a dull moment with the Crew.

I work in sales and marketing and my partner is a sports editor and internet dog blogger.

We love to garden and we believe our day is complete when we have managed to tire these dogs out! We usually only have 2 dogs at a time. Tug and Stuart have the most seniority. I had been wanting a Corgi for what seems like forever! Eventually my partner caved and Truman was found. Then, we adopted Minnow from the Humane Society (a long involved story) Our Motley Crew was born.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Truman. Tri-colored. Purchased him from a private breeder. They were all so cute!! Chose Truman because he seemed to have a strong personality and a certain confidence about him. After all, we were bringing him home to a JRT.

Truman is very smart. Puppy class was a joke. He will do anything for food. He would act like that's all we do all day is practice those commands. Honestly, that couldn't have been farther from the truth. He's just too smart and he wanted that piece of hot dog really bad!!

Truman is very funny. He lets all the other dogs bark when someone comes to the door. It's like he is saying "why should I bark?". But if he wants your attention....he'll let you know. He can't/doesn't jump nor can he go down our (up)stairs. I guess the good news is this. Since I have to carry him down the stairs all the time...Truman can't hide those few extra pounds.

He has to eat in his Truman Condo away from the Crew. Truman does not do well with food and other animals in the same room. He tries to herd everything

Truman gets along great with other people and animals except our Jack Russell Terrier (Stuart). It sometimes only takes a crossed look at one another and we have our hands full. Working on that...still.

He's 9 months and is still determining what he likes and doesn't like. His birthday is Nov. 11 and my birthday is Nov. 1. Go figure. Of course, he loves his food and would convince you he was starving to death if you let him.
I have:

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  • WhiteDove

    Hasve a wonderful weekend. . . . .
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Thanks for friending us!  Truman looks like one spunky little dude.  Have fun!
  • Becky Focht

    Thanks Yvonne!  I am actually friends on FB with them and Lisa created a DeKunst puppy group.