Geri & Sidney

58, Female

San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

North San Diego County
About Me:
I have three teenage kids and I just love being a Mom to a Corgi also! I live in sunny Southern California with the three kids, three dogs, two cats and a most wonderful husband.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sidney is our first purebred corgi and we are thrilled to have him. He was born 7/11/07. We planned to start him in agility training, but there was a long waiting list. So while waiting for an opening, we took classes for therapy dog training. As it turns out, he's a pretty good therapy dog, so we stuck with that and never got around to agility. Now he is training as a Rally dog. We love it! He's one smart little character! Oh, and he's undocked, so his beautiful tail attracts a lot of attention - good attention.

On August 30th, Sidney suddenly came up lame in his hind left leg. The next day we got xrays for him and found out he has severe hip dysplasia. On Sept 7th he had a Femoral Head Ostectomy to relieve the pain. His right hip is not in great shape either but we're hoping that with glucosamine supplements and exercise we can keep it healthy. *Update* You would never know Sid has surgery now. He moves beautifully. The water therapy and supplements have worked wonders.


Bruce is our corgi/elkhound (?) mix. We rescued him from the brink of euthanasia when he was approximately 10-11 years old (he had a day or two left to go). He's about 16 now and his only sign of his advanced age are bad teeth and slow mornings. I adore Brucie and he worships me. He's my funny short angel with a puffball tail (thanks to the elkhound side). He's about 18 now and going strong.

Chester is our "tall dog". He's a black dane/lab mix that we got from a "free to good home" ad in the local newspaper. He's also old, about 15 years old. We know his age because we've had him 14 years, and he was an adult when we brought him home! He's a very serious dog and not very affectionate compared to the corgis, but he has been a very good dog, just aloof. We can't take Chester as many places as the shorties because he does not travel well. He's almost 17 now and has definitely slowed down. *UPDATE* Chester had a sudden decline and was sent to the bridge on April 15th 2013 at the age of 17.

In February 2013 we added Connie to our family. She's a little tri corgi who was picked up as a stray and put up for adoption at our local Humane Society. She's a real sweet girl and loves to play ball. She's learning a lot from Sidney about life here. We can't believe that her family never came to claim her.She's got good manners and she gets along well with the other dogs and the cats, and everyone she meets is her best friend.

And the pack grows! In November we took in a black-headed tri who we named Copper. He and Connie were both born in 2009 and they are great buddies and a ball-chasing tag team. Copper is sweet and cuddly and eager to please.

I have:

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  • Peter Reynolds

    Thank you for the welcome. Bonnie is the Pembrokeshire Corgi.

  • Laurel & Cooper

    Thank you for the Welcome!!! :)

  • TES

    Thank you!  Sidney is the sweetest :)

  • Jennifer Merriman

    Thanks, Happy Birthday!
  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday Geri....I'm an Aries too:)

  • Bev Levy

    Have a great Birthday!

  • Barb Parker

    Thank you. I haven't really figured out how to navigate this site yet.
  • Evelyn Chang

    My dog has a kinda silly name :  Holiday.  My son got him on Thanksgiving.  If I ever get another dog, it will be "Vacation".

  • Steph Mueller

    Hi Sydney, thanks for the welcome! My Corgi's name is Booker :) 

  • Julie Low

    Thanks for the warm welcome.  My little guy's name is Finnegan.

  • Katherine & Scout

    Thanks for the welcome! Took me awhile to realize I got a message, haha :)

  • Isaca Hare

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome ;-) I hope to get some pics up soon of all our lovely babies.

  • Gwen Sargent

    Thank you.  I am looking for the best photo to post for Lana~

  • Hannah

    Thanks for the welcome!
    We are excited to meet other wonderful Corgis!
  • Stephanie Tristan Buns Pooh-Bert

    Good morning and thank you for welcoming us to the site. Corgis Rule! :)
  • Jennifer Scott

    Thank you !
  • Robyn & [Sir]Frodo

    thank you.

    although he's got a bit more "attitude" than his name-sake :]

  • Maribel, Dave & Gibson

    Thank you!  We're happy to be here.  Looks like an awesome community!

  • Maria & Reggie

  • Patricia M. Schwalm

    Hello! We have two corgis now,  Annie, age 7, and Claire, age 2.  But our daughter also has two corgis! so we love it when we have four of them running around the house and in the yard!

  • Cheryl Rice

    Thanks for the encouragement! We've been having a really hard time finding someone who will even entertain the idea. I'm hoping some connections on here will help!

  • Ellie Wallis

    Thanks for the warm welcome, Geri & Sidney! Corgi people are the best! :)

  • Marcia Southwick

    Hi, I'm so glad I've found your site. Thanks!

  • Heather DeToma

    Thanks Geri & Sidney! 

  • Cherie Shupert

    Thank Geri and Sidney!!!!

  • Brandie

    Thank you I'll be posting lots more pics when I have time this week!!;-)
  • Michelle Dehner

    Awwwww. Thanks for the welcome Geri & Sidney! That's really VERY nice! :) Can't wait to figure out how to meet more people here. :) :) :)
  • Terri & Remmy

    They are not rare but not as common as some breeds. Though there are many breeders with Germany.


  • Lauren and Nevaeh Rose

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I can't wait to have her home with us looking forward to June 8th. She will be my first corgi so if you can give me any suggestions that would be great.

  • BJ Graves

    Her name is Cloey and she is six years old.  We are having a great time getting acquainted.  She has lots of energy and loves to be outside.  One funny thing about her is she loves water.  She puts both front feet in her water dish and splashes in it. 

  • Mary Siarkiewicz

    Thanks for the Welcome - Corky and Mary

  • Carolyn McFalls

    Sorry this took so long to answer!  My puppy's name is Trevor and he is six months old. We've been taking obedience classes and having a lot of fun - he loves to learn.

  • Nick Horishny

    Thanks, we look forward to 'seeing' all the other Corgi folks.


  • Josephine Loves Mickey

    Thanks for the warm welcome greetings. U have 3 kids, 3 corgis and 2 cats, Wow you are amazing Mom! Yes I will post more of Mickey's pics. But I work out of town. So I will be at home for a week then work trip for a week. So will be lots of pics in a week but then no pic for a week :). Very nice to know U and please send our warm hug to your kids, cats and lovely corgis. From Mickey and Family
  • CJ Sata

    Thank you! I very well may take you up on that :) Spending time with 50 corgis sounds AMAZING!

  • Tiph, Jared & Cora the Corgi

    Thank You! Happy to be here. Trying to soak up as much Corgi information as we can to make it through Cora's puppy stage. She we will be eleven weeks old tomorrow. She is a fast learner and understands many commands. We have her in puppy class once a week and she is the most advanced and the youngest of all the puppies in the class. She amazes us daily but is such a brat sometimes :) We look forward to getting out of the biting stage :) We will be sure to take any advice anyone can give!

  • Leslie Ross

    Thanks. Not as many as on the mainland, but there are 2 breeders I know of here.

  • John Peterson

    Thank You! Wonderfur to be here.

  • Richelle

    Geri & Sidney,

    Thank you for the welcome note!

  • Megan Sandmann

    Thank You for the welcome! Very cute pics of your pup! Radar and I had our problem at the local dog park. Irresponsible owners let their pit/boxer mix chase us across the run, up onto the picnic table, and if not for someone else intervening, I was turning around to kick the dog in the face as he climbed up the table at us. Never had a problem with Radar before that moment, but now he lashes out at big dogs if I'm not careful. The owners of the pit mix have no idea how much trouble they have caused in our lives for the last six years.  

  • Joanna Helmer

    Thank you, Geri and Sidney.  We're happy to be here.

  • Joanne Lagueux

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • Mercy's Grace

    Thanks for the Welcome! We are happy to be here!


  • patty oneal


  • Ashley Vicari

    His name is Luigi

  • Denise Stallcup

    the rescue people had been so adamant about NOT letting her get overweight that I was really careful, and then our vet told me she was really underweight so I loosened up. But she isn't as much of a chow hound as I was told corgis would be. However, all the stuff they told us about her wanting to be the alpha - that's true. If she's on the bed with us at night she climbs on top of my husband and tries to stare me down ... I am pretty alpha myself, though, so so far, I've won that battle ...

  • Steven Buckles

    Thank you. Will start posting pictures of my 'Baby Girl" soon.


  • Marilyn Novak

    Jasper is his name. That is a puppy picture. I'll have to post more current ones soon.
  • Dawn Marie Meyers

    Thanks for  the welcome his name is Kinnick McBoogie Meyers, but we call him Bubba for short :)

  • Nadia Voytovich

    thank you Geri and Sidney. happy to join a community of corgi lovers