Joanna, Rainy and Calvin


Clarence Center, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Clarence Center, NY
About Me:
Corgis Rule, so enough about me...lets read about corgis!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My First corgi's name was Algy. He was a black-headed tri-color. On March 24, 2010, after a short time, he finally lost the struggle with lymphoma. He was a good boy, very sweet and low key and always a pleasure to have around. He loved rides and donuts, and popcorn at the park on Lake Ontario. In the summertime, he'd go blueberry picking and steal berries from other people's buckets. We miss him very much.

We now have two new corgis in our lives! Both come from Jane Christensen in Minnesota. Rainy, who now lives the sweet life with my parents, is an absolutely sweet corgi with a very gentle dispostion, and loves to be loved. She will be smothered with a generous helping of that here. Calvin is our newest member and was a rescue that Jane took in and fostered. He is a cardi who missed out on his major window of socialization, but we hope to continue the work that Jane started, and get him out and about. He likes to people watch, but from a safe distance, and boy does he like to cuddle! I hope to have more pictures up of him soon.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Belated Birthday from Lance and I!!! Hope you had a great birthday!!

  • Carol Rea

    Lucky just loves the snow!  He was rescued from a snow bank  outside of Reno on Christmas Eve 2001.  We are getting ready for yet another celebration of his rescue!  Maybe this year we should make snow icecream instead of just giving a bowl of icecream.
  • Jillian and Malaqui

    Hi Joanna.  Thank you for your compliments on my Mally!  She is truly a blessing and a joy to me and every life she touches!  She's a testiment to the translation of her name to English from Hebrew meaning Angel!


    As for her love of the water, it took her dad and I quite awhile to get her to even touch it!  It all began when she was about 6 months old and we lived in San Antonio and had a huge swimming pool.  She used to get so upset when Chris would get in the pool and she would run around the peremeter barking her little head off!  It was quite hilarious when you could see the expression on her face as well........complete worry!  She's such a good shepard!  Anyway, with a lot of patience, love, and persistance she is now a true water baby.  I can't keep her out of the stuff whether it be a puddle, swimming pool, river, or sea!  She is also a beach bum dog to the bone....she was raised on an island from the age of 10 months.  One of her favorite words is beach!


    Your babies are beautiful!  How fortunate that you are able to have so many.  I draem  of the day!  In the meantime, I treaure the life I have now with the special Corgi God blessed me with!


    I hope your Christmas was excellent and that  2011 is a good one for y'all!

  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    Thank you! :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I hope Calvin had a fabulous bday!!! So sorry for posting this sooo late :O  Happy Belated Birthday Calvin, how old are you now?  Lance turned 5 in October, and I think he may be secretly a bit upset at me for not posting a blog about his birthday this year!!! Im slacking, but still love him lots. Hope you had a great holiday.  I havent even posted the Christmas morning pics yet!!
  • Jillian and Malaqui

    Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes!  Malaqui and I are headed to the beach in a couple hours to spend the afternoon and then a friend of ours is throwing a party for me tonight at his house and Mally gets to go as well!  It's going to be a great day for both of us!  :o)
  • Nicola Porter

    Hiya, how's it going with Roxie?
  • Nicola Porter

    Yes, I agree that I hope she gets a good home either way. Your two are so cute.
  • Carol Rea

    I am thinking that both kinds of boxes could be donated.  Did you look at all the things donated this year?  Most were corgi related, but some not so much.  I had a lot of fun going thru all the pages of stuff donated and I actually even ended up with some items (not all of the ones that I wanted!)  I have not been on mycorgi for awhile, i miss it!  Carol
  • Kitty Kirwin

    LOL thats her blue towel, she has blue bath towels. Pink Blankets many. Not that she is spoiled much ;)Thanks Tell them Baths are fun. She also has baby pool for summer I put ice cubes in & she jumps in for them. Here in Arizona 100+ weather gets her in the pool.
  • Jane Christensen

    I think of you often and wish we lived closer so I could come and visit you! You are lucky to have your parents near by! Give Rainy and Calvin a big hug from me:) Take care!!!!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Joanna! Yes, Team Low Rider rides again! I'll post a blog soon about my team. We're in second place and hope to beat those cat ladies this year!

    Here's the link to my page:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Joanna, please tell Rainy and Calivin that Sidney sends a really big "aroooo!" and "thank you" for helping Team Low Rider. :)
  • Jane Christensen

    I noticed you're not on here as often...hope all is ok! We finally are getting the snow melted and lots of flooding but the temps are still lousy:( Oh a few months we'll be complaining it's toooooo hot! Take care and Sage sends all of you licky kisses...
  • Kartika, Tim and Mr Cookie

    Thanks Joanna. Yeah, there are lots and lots of love here among cookie, my partner and i. Sometimes we think we pamper him too much he starts thinking he's actually not a dog =P

  • Kartika, Tim and Mr Cookie

    ups you're right, i shouldn't have. sshhhh... lucky he was asleep then ;D  yeah, his tummy is like a  pinkish cow-skin. are all corgis like that? yours too?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks Joanna!!!!  Great to see you on here, hope you are doing ok.
  • Jane Christensen

    Sage thinks you and Calvin should come out to MN for a reunion and they get to play in the mud!
  • Jane Christensen

    Oh, he will LOVE that! Have fun Calvin!
  • Jane Christensen

    Yea calvin....glad you are keeping the perfect weight!  I bet  it is soooooo fun to have a great fence to tear around in. As forRainy it sounds like a typical brother sister relationship....can't live with them but you want them near-by:)

  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Anniversary to ALL of you!!!!!!!!!!! Just think Joanna what a difference a year has made and it's also because of you:) If you hadn't come to get Rainy you never would have met Calvin and the gang. You know you were pretty special...I remember you sittimg on the floor with Calvin and I knew the only person other than myself to share Calvin would have to be YOU!!!!!! Thank you for being such a great doggie parent and Wynn and Sage send you all those doggie kisses! Sage and I owe Calvin for all the playing he did to get her ready for therapy dog!!!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for your comment on Lances discussion.  I appreciate your support.  His ears are feeling better and looking better, yay.  He just doesnt seem to want to do much, but pretty sure its from the steriods he is on.   I can't believe its almost been 2 years for Algy!!! Where does the time go to?? I haven't been posting much up until just recently and now I feel like I am posting too much.  I just hope that I wont have to post too much more and bore people with my jibber jabber.  Hope you are having a great day, and hope your doing alright. 


    Tucker was just laying on my foot, keeping it warm :)  Lance would lay near my feet but never on them!!  I get a big kick out of Tucker arooing too, cause Lance never arood, I thought people were making that up, and everyone was going along with it, lol.  Hugs back to you too. 

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I was looking at the wrong post, its been almost two years since Algys tumor and spleen rupturing, how scary, that must have been!!  Its been a year in March since Algy passed. where do the years go to, everyone seems to go faster and faster.  I love looking at Algys pictures, such a handsome guy.  Love looking at Rainy and Calvins pictures too.
  • Emily & Rob

    Thank you very much! We are so excited to bring him home! Ive been telling everyone all about him! Haha!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Joanna,

    Thanks for leaving a comment on our page. Hugs to you, you are right, it is not fun to be sick. Thinking of You. Lance and Tucker send their corgi kisses to you. Praying for you to get better.
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you. . .he seems to be adjusting very well. . . .

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thinking of you...hope you are doing well. Tucker and Lance send their corgi kisses.
  • Jane Christensen

    Sending healing thoughts you way! sage would LOVE to be there with you and Calvin....she could spend half her time cuddling with you and the other half getting wild and crazy with Calvin. Glad you found a dog park:) tell you mom to give Rainy a BIG hug!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi!!! Thanks for popping in!  I could see how that would be easy to spell when trying to spell popping.  :)  Lance seems to be doing alright, he has been playing with Tucker a bit more, here and there.  I have some new pics and videos up, not sure if you saw them. 


    It is getting a bit cold, brrrr, but I suppose its alot better than what we will have not too long from now, not looking forward to the snow.  I will be excited to see Tucker in snow for the first time though (with us)!!   The cooler weather is better for Lance while hes on his medicine, he cant really be out in the heat, but the cooler weather is better for him.

    He goes back to the vet the 29th of October, a day before his 6th birthday!  Fingers crossed we can bring down his dose of meds again. How are you doing? 

    Thanks for thinking of us.

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Oh thanks so much:D

    I know he's/they're(lol) out there somewhere for me:D

  • Arthur Eschenburg

    He always had that habit of cheering everyone up! Theres was a point when we took him into the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum when were living in Washington DC. He walked up to an Autistic girl, who happened to have a fear of animals, but in the end she was petting him, he just seemed to have that effect on people.


    Even people with Dog Allergies would pet him at least once!

  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!

  • Jane Christensen

    Time to celebrate!!!!! Have a great birthday!
  • Jane Christensen

    New pics would be wonderful...glad Rainy got to enjoy your Birthday too...even if she snored...silly girl!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday!!  Hope you had a fabulous birthday.  :) 

  • Teresa

    He's the only one enjoying the weather. Walking with a wind chill of 2 today.
  • Jane Christensen

    Thanks Joanna...that lucky little girl:) Your mom just sent me some cute pics also, I'm so glad she has a wonderful home...I couldn't have wished for any better. How's the winter over there? We have been very lucky here this year!

  • Jane Christensen

    Calvin, We wish that you and all your family could have been at S age's party too...just so you know it was Wynn that ate most of the cake as he tore off a huge chunk and gulped it up quick. Tell rainy we love her too:)

  • Lemmy Winks

    Thank you! Good luck with your corgi ranch! :3

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Wanted to say Hello, hope your all doing well. 

  • Mendy Miller

    546371_3587746656646_1362693917_33356576_242511442_n.jpg Thought you mihht be curious to know that Petie's still around. He's very fragile, but he's still pretty healthy and happy. Hanging out with Elliott, who is 5 yrs old now. :)

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks Joanna!!  How are you? I think of you quite frequently, hoping you are doing ok. 

  • Jane Christensen

    How the heck are you, Art, Rainy and Calvin??????

  • Jane Christensen

    Rainy, you are one lucky little Princess but then I knew you would be:) Poor Calvin...I bet you are really excited when Art gets home:) Joanna, I had 6 pins and a plate put in my finger thanks to Bella and Livvy and still only have partial use of 3 fingers in that hand...sorry you are still in pain!

  • Jane Christensen

    Oh I almost forgot...we want some new rainy and calvin pics:)

  • Jane Christensen

    Joanna, Sage was needing a "fill in" for Calvin(haha) but they didn't play like the good old days when Calvin was here! I will never forget all the playing those 2 did!!!!!

  • Jane Christensen

    Ouch! I had to have a plate and pins put in my finger this May...thanks to Livvy and will never be the same.  Feel better soon and maybe I'll see you on MyCorgi since you have some time off. Give Cal and Rainy a big hug for me:) I named a pup after Rainy...her new name is Stella and she's on MyCorgi!

  • Jane Christensen

    Hey there Joanna...I was just wondering how you were doing.  Before you have your surgery you should ask if Calvin or Rainy can come visit. There's someone on here who was able to bring one of their rescues from me and he got to sleep on the bed with the person who had the surgery...:)

    How's everyone doing?

  • Jane Christensen

    Awwww just had to show them you could get one of the squirrels didn't you?

    How are you doing Joanna? Did you get your transplant?????

    Hugs to all of you guys! Still wished you lived closer...

  • Jane Christensen

    Joanna, You are one very special woman or I wouldn't have let Calvin go! When I saw you sitting by him on the floor my heart knew he would have a wonderful life! Rainy too:)Glad she has an opinion and also that Rainy has a life that most dogs would love!!!! I do miss watching Calvin and Sage race around...they were good buds but Calvin has a better life with you...."thanks"! Give them both a hug for me.