Kitty Kirwin

Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Writer, My Gwenie is my second Corgi which I love the breed. Mum to a Uni student.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Princess Gwenie is the joy of our family, she plays all day and has trained us well! She does many things well Sit, Stay, go long for a ball, Sit on the sofa like a people, open her locked crate and Dance. Her hobbys napping and looking for ways to get twizzlers. She is disapointed she doesn't get them. She thinks ice cubes are wonderful and will bark at the freezer for them. Oh she is just so very beautiful to us. Gwenie's Birthday is Aug. 18, 2007. Yea we give her prezies. Not spoiled LOVED! You can visit with Gwenie on twitter most days she is @PrincessGwenie. She has a catch phrase "Paws High, Paws Low, Wild Puppy run, Shake my bunny bum..baroooooooooo again!"
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Kitty and Gwenie! She sounds like a great little girl.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! : )
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Kitty & Gwenie! So glad that you can join us :) Love your pics!!!
  • Ein Danger

    i know what toy you're talking about!! i almost got one for ein the other day at the local grocery store. now i will!! thanks!
  • Ein Danger

    welcome to the site!!! and thanks for the add :) what kind of pembroke is gwenie? she looks like a red and white but she has some black on her head. would that be a sable? the reason why i ask is because ein has a lot of black little hairs on his head. i thought it was just his puppy coat but i've noticed new growth along his neck and back. i'm thinking his coat my change!
  • John Wolff

    For several years, I've been spending 2 weeks in SE Utah in October. Canyonlands/Dark Canyon area. I doubt my wife would ever allow me to take a dog down there, and I don't think I'd have the nerve -- too many well-armed plants and creatures -- but I'm sure they'd love the terrain (except for the steepest rock climbing) if they could quickly learn which plants etc. to avoid.
    You say Gwenie likes to walk the desert. Does she have problems with goatheads, cacti, those Spansih Bayonets (an Agave?), or any of the other well-armed plants? Scorpions? Snakes? Lions, tigers and bears (oh my)? I met a couple with a border collie (illegally) in the Maze in Canyonlands NP once. They said the dog hadn't had much trouble learning the rules.
    Any tricks for keeping a corgi cool in a hot, dry place? Surprisingly, that can be a real issue here -- we have 2-3 dry months, and there's no shade above timberline, and they wilt in the sun with their black coats. When we can find snow, I make a corgicicle and they love it.
    We have snakes and scorpions in the central Washington desert, but I only go there in the cold months.
  • Stubby

    Hi Gwenie! It's nice having these person pets isn't it?
  • Mits

    Hi Gwenie, I luv your pics! Esp da pink cell phone, where do I get me one of dem?
  • Baylee and Jake

    looks like you have a very playful Corgi (reminds me of someone I know!)
  • Worthington Natalia

    LOL, Gwenie the Climber:) I'd say Tod is predisposed and would try to develop this skill, but I keep an eye on him so he doesn't hurt himself.
  • Worthington Natalia

    Agility training is a great idea. We always talk about how Tod would do well in it. He's extremely muscular, quick, and has amazing coordination. I just need to research the things locally.
  • John Wolff

    Thanks for the desert info. I don't think I'll ever take my dogs down to SE Utah, though. I've learned the plants there the hard way (sand bur spine abcessed and came out of my toe 2 weeks later once; absent-mindedly threw my pile jacket on something once and spent 10 days picking 1/4" spines out of myself, still had 4 in my skin when I got home). Your info is appreciated.
  • Anzendai1

    Hi Gewnie! I think this site is best for corgi (and corgi-lovers). The photo "Book-pillow" is my favorite... I'm so sorry that I can't reply in Twitter. May be, you are in night, I am in the middle of daytime, so I busy for work. But I'm looking forward to talk Gewnie!
  • Prince Hairy

    Hi Im a Corgi Wanna Be, Im a full blod Golden Retriever with big dreams but the short side of it is i can only be one online, take a look at my legs! I mean a Prince can dream cant he?
  • Prince Hairy

    I shall lol!!!!
  • Anzendai1

    Gewnie's video is soooo cute! In the video 'Gewnie gone wild' , Gwenie loves toy makes sound when bite. Sakura doesn't like that toy, so afraid of sounds. I think that a corgi girl's running style is more prettier than boy's one.
  • Anzendai1

    It's long time to see! Thanks for your message and inviting me to Halloween paw party. I have so much to do now, and cannot reply message so often. It's lucky that Oct 31 is Saturday in here, so I may join the party. I can't find out your music video in youtube, mmm.... Why?
  • Gail and Ashton

    Hi Kitty and Gwenie! Just wanted to stop by and say hello! I hope this winter has been kind to your RA. Up here in the Pacific Northwest the weather is starting to get really cold and my RA has been brutal! But at least I have Ashton to keep me up and moving! I wish you the best and hope all is well! :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, Im a cardigan welsh corgi, blue merle :

  • Kitty Kirwin

    WOW! Your beautiful! Thank you. I have always had Pembroke's. Lance your are so cool looking. Then again you are corgi. Thank you I love the picture.
  • Alice

    I just realized you are in Az. You should join the Az Corgi group.

    I see that you are a writer. What kind of writing do you do? If you are big on reading as well (which i assume you are if you write) then you should also join the Corgi Book Club group. :)
  • Brittany Nelson

    Thanks for being my friend!!! :D
  • Robyn

    Haha ur welcome. Corgis, as u know, just have a knack for brightening someone's day
  • Robyn

    haha awww, how cute. torque like to get on the internet & watch movies with me. she sits on the couch with her paws on my chest & watches as i use the mouse & type. she also turns her head back & forth while watching movies lol
  • Carol Rea

    Kitty, our sonny is a climber too! Apparantly the night before he was brought to us he climbed on the dining room chair, onto the table and ate a cheesecake! YIKES! I am sure he would love to come to your house and help Princess Gwenie search for twizzlers, they would make quite a team! i love her yellow "rain coat"? We live where there is not a lot of rain, so at first I thought it was a cape like you wear at the beauty parlor! Oh, deary me, I meed more sleep...Lucky had me up at 4AM or earlier this morning. By the way, Gwenie's pictures are beautiful, and I think it makes perfect sense to let her on the white sofa, you cannot see the white hair!
  • Carol Rea

    To Kitty and Gwenie, I accept your friend request! I think I need a female corgi so I can paint her nails and have pink sports cars! Carol and her spoiled boys
  • Brittany Nelson

    I am glad you kept her safe! Luna HATED the fireworks! Lol. I kept her in her crate because if she was alone in my room she would eat my door and doorframe. Gwenine is such a beautiful name!!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Happy to be friends. Sorry about the video. I will try to get it to work and re-post it.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I posted some videos of Lucy and Rafa. The quality of the videos is something else, but at least you can see Rafa and Lucy. One of these days I'm going to get the hang of making better quality videos, I will I will. Hi to Gwenie. Enjoy your Sunday!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Awww, thanks for all your nice comments. It sure's nicer when they play! I was starting to doubt myself, like "what was I thinking?" Now, just 2 days into them playing makes me know exactly what I was thinking. Jack, Lucy and I needed a little tri boy. I guess he needed us, too. I've had him to the vet 3 times already. He's had a bunch of parasites, infections, etc. All are being treated and he should be fine. We are also keeping a close eye on Lucy so that she doesn't get infected.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Give Gwenie hugs from all of us. It must be so hard on all of you with the summer heat. Let us know if you're in the S. CA area.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks so much. Rafa has turned into quite the little snuggle bunny. he loves to lay in my lap and sleep or slobber me with kisses. Lucy didn't snuggle this much when she was a puppy.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    As a puppy, Lucy would much rather play than cuddle. She'd give me a morning cuddle and kiss and then was off to the races. I had to actually train (read: bribe w. treats) to get her to sit on my lap and give me kisses. Now she is a bit more snuggly & she sleeps in our bed. She is more herding than companion. Rafa though, is a snuggler. He loves to snuggle in my lap and slobber me with kisses. He sleeps in his little crate in our room. Do you still use twitter?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Have fun in London!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    your status update made me chuckle...i guess your son wasnt holding onto that twizzler tight Good thing it was a twizzler and not choclate.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Gwenie, love your Princess costume, you look great in it, just like a princess :)
  • Einstein Batista

    good morning. how are you?
  • John Wolff

    I'm gonna get me a fur dryer at the rummage sale.  It's kinda the opposite of a vacuum cleaner, so they should LOVE it.  :)

  • Einstein Batista

    that last sentence was confusing. can you please clarify?
  • Scott+Nicola+Brody


    I don't know if you saw the post in the ARIZONA CORGI group but

    CORGI MEET IS IN FULL SWING ON FEB 22ND AT 8:30AM - CHAPARRAL DOG PARK IN SCOTTSDALE! I WILL POST A SIGN ON THE PARK WE WILL BE IN!(Sorry that was in all caps that part was a copy paste!)

    Do you think you could make it?

  • Scott+Nicola+Brody

    That's ok!

    We have a meet up in april!
  • Scott+Nicola+Brody

    have you seen the new meet up posts?