Madeline and Bella


Harrison, NY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Madeline, currently in high school and interested in veterinary work and graphic design. I have a where I share my drawings with all who are interested :3
My girl Bella is one of my main inspirations, and I couldn't have a closer bond with my corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our Bella, is a red tricolor pembroke welsh corgi. We got her right before thanksgiving, her birthday being on the 2nd of August 2012. Sometimes I think to myself how dull and boring my life would be without her fuzzy little corgi face lighting up my day.
She loves her pats, especially tummy rubs, and cuddling up on the couch. Bella loves exploring nature like I do, and we go for frequent trail walks just observing the landscape, She's protective over her "pack", and I certainly know she would guard us with her life! I couldn't imagine having a different dog, and no other would ever be as friendly and charming as our little girl.
I have:

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  • Terry Smith

    Thank you so much for the wonderful and gracious welcoming. Emma and I feel very blessed. ~warm smile~

  • Arrow and "the Pengu"

    Thank you for the fun welcome! Your wall paper is adorable by the way!

  • Grace Eitel

    I hope your Corgi gets better soon!