Melisse Fowler

Waterloo, Illinois

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Always wanted Corgis, but just finally broke down and got Coco when I turned 40! He's a charmer. Didn't take long before I rescued another - Teddy. Now I have "The Bear Boys," Coco Bear & Teddy Bear. I work in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, am married - but only have furry or feathered children (3 dogs, 1 cat - and 1 winged talker).
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Coco is a September 2008 tri-color baby, a real clown! He is an agility pup, but is also good at basic obedience. He is a rescue from a local non-breed specific group. Teddy is a red & white adopted 1 year later from a Pets Second Chance Corgi Rescue. He is only 1 month younger than Coco and has been a terrific addition. He is really smart, but hard headed.
I have:

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  • Summer, Mindy, and Milo

    Thank you for the birthday wishes! It is my birthday -- I am 21 :) I love your puppies, they are darling.
  • Incorgiable

    Roxy has competed in 4H events - nothing serious yet - and she has done very well. My 14 yr old daughter works with her and can get her to do anything. We jump at 12 inches with ease! She measures 12 inches at the shoulder and is not at all big for a corgi, so I'm kind of wondering what the concern for 8 inches is (I've seen it in passing before.) Roxy is very fit and muscular, quiet a leaper!

    We made our own agility equipment and set it up in the back yard. We work with all the dogs for fun. All of them take the jumps at 12 inches.

  • Incorgiable

    Where do you compete? My daughter was competing with a local 4H group, but grew tired of it. Now I need to find something else, but I'm not sure we are ready for the stuffiness of the AKC. There's also a local obedience club, but with 4 dogs, that could really blow our budget.