Kim & Stumpy N


Redwood City, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Proud mother of the long lost 8th dwarf, Stumpy! :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Stumpy is a red/white pembroke corgi puppy, my precious little fox :)
I have:

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  • Becky Focht

    Thanks Kim.  Yes, she does like to cuddle but she's usually very active so it's hard to find those down moments where she will actually settle down lol.  It's funny when she's sleeping she likes to be touching you.  Stumpy's graduation picture reminded me of Foxy's.  Did you go to Petsmart?

  • Nina & Nellie

    Hey Kim! Thanks for coming over for a play session. You're welcome to come over again any time, our yard should be finished quite soon and there's no tall grass any more :D In fact, we could even play in the front yard now (it's gated) and no danger of peach pits :)

    Also, the Puppy 2 class I told you about accepts dogs up to 18 months old, so would be perfect for Stumpy if you want to join it. I do like these classes a lot, the trainers are usually pretty good (I like Lynette), so that's something. They work on adolescents being calm and social. There's a class in Redwood City and in Palo Alto.

  • Nina & Nellie

    Hahaha, funny that you say she's a doll, she's usually the worst puppy in her class, sooooo disruptive and riling all the other puppies up!

    No worries at all, it happens, and I think at least we left on a good note (I forgot to make sure of it but at least we didn't leave with them screaming at each other). There should be no danger of fights in the front yard because it's just grass and a few non-peach trees with no bones ;).

    I forgot that puppy 2 requires puppy 1! I wonder if they will let you in anyway since you've taken at least a puppy class? If not I would try the AKC ones I guess, they should also be very good and geared towards CGC certification. I'm probably going to take a break between the two classes... With just me training her I get tired and lazy so we're really behind ;_;

    Anyway, let me know when is good for you again! They can play inside too like I said last time, it's a little messy for the humans but at dog level it's pretty safe.