Andrea Nunn


Schertz, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I just recently moved to the San Antonio area. I live here with my bf who is in the army. I'm currently getting my MBA in Human Resources online. I grew up in Upstate NY, so Texas is a HUGE change from there, but I like it so far.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a 11month old Pembroke sable and white. her name is Sophie and she is a handful.Ive had corgis for the greater part of my life, and absolutely love them. I would love to meet new people in the area with other corgis and setup play dates
I have:

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  • Ein Danger

    The Corgi Meet-Up/Ein's Party has been cancelled due to weather once again. Our apologies for any inconveniences. Please refer back to Ein's page or the South Texas group for more information when it becomes available.
  • GoGoRainbow

    how did the flight go? Are you and Sophie doing well?
  • Autumn and Jonathan

    Happy birthday!