

Richmond, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
im jadie... im probably one of the whitest asians youll ever come across. ;o) i love motorsports and cooking and tattoos and [good] food and travelling and computer nerdy stuff and etc. etc. etc... i really love my Mia to bits and pieces and even though she is not a pure Corgi she is still the best Corgi i know!
About My Corgi(s):
i adopted my little Mia around New Years 2008. Wasnt planning on adopting a puppy or anything "just browsing." Well, there she was all covered in poo with huge ears and stubby front legs and beady eyes. Everyone thought she was a collie mix but when i took her to the vet my thoughts were correct and she a corgi mix. ;o) Ive always wanted a corgi and here I am with this "CorCollieOw" (corgi + collie + chow). We believe she was born around late October 2007 based on her baby teeth and stuff. She has CRAZY hair around her ears and back legs and her front legs are shorter than her rear. Anywho... she is awesome. She's like a spunky fox cat perma-puppy thing.

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  • disraeli ears

    We have a Corgi/Chow friend that lives at our apartment complex. He has the body, face, and ears of a Corgi - with the red fur, tail, eyes, and purple tongue of a Chow!
    Your puppies are cute. :)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Nancy Boylan

    Hi Jadie:

    We're in Richmond too.....Mia looks just like my Sundae....maybe they are sisters?!

    Take care!