

Honolulu, HI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My husband is in the Navy. I'm not working, so I get to stay at home with Frodo. We live in Hawaii right now, although we're moving to Connecticut soon.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Frodo is a wonderful little dog. He is 7 years old now, but the vet says he is in an excellent condition for his age. Frodo is a sweet, snuggly boy, but he can get crazy and play when he wants to. He's a little antisocial with other dogs, but he LOVES people. Anyone that gives him an ear scratch or belly rub will be his friend for life.
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  • Nicole

    lol I thought it was just Morgan who thought she was cujo but from what ive read and people ive talked to they have the big dog small dog complex. Esp being hearding dogs they think there large and in charge lol. Normally if their is dogs in the small park not we will just walk around. Morgan is 4 years old so shes set in her ways and if thats also a part of her personality it prob will be near impossible to change.
  • Nicole

    She even challenges the small dogs but I think thats cause they have the same big dog brain small dog body mentality. If theres any dog she growls outside of the fence from the small dog park well normally just walk her around the area. They have lots of nice wooded trails which she likes. And if theres no dogs in there that seem to bother her we go in.
  • Katy

    Miss you guys...can't wait to see you.!