River & Emily Tiedeman


Alexandria, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Virginia Beach, VA - But I currently live in Alexandria, VA
About Me:
I am a first-time corgi owner. I've had german shepherds or german shepherd mixes all my life. I wanted a second dog as a companion to my 10 year-old GSD/Golden mix, but am short on space, so I decided to try corgis - big dog with short legs. I'm hooked. They're so great.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
River, aka Kaled's Hello Sweetie, was born 9/28/13. She is named River after 1. River Song from Doctor Who; 2. River Tam from Firefly; 3. Mariano Rivera; and 4. 161st and River - the address of Yankee Stadium.
River has an older sister - a 10 y/o GSD/Golden mix named Rikku, who is a CGC and Delta/Pet Partners certified therapy dog. They love each other.
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