Miranda Rommel


Philomath, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Merrill, OR
About Me:
We recently moved back from Austin, TX to the Willamette valley of Oregon. We're all loving it! We're all happy to be away from 110 degree weather, and closer to limitless beaches and forests for running and exploring.
I Grow, Cook and Eat delicious food, none of which is shared with Pocket - just my husband.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pocket is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi who is learning fast. Daughter of Fiesty from west of San Antonio.
Pocket is over 2 years old now and we've switched her to a natural diet which has improved her health a lot. She's thin, lythe and really in shape!

Pocket is well trained, and is responding to her greater freedom in the Northwest by being even more well behaved. Her leash skills are devine and we can't wait to get her into more organized activities. She doesn't love playing with other, big dogs - but loves her corgi cousins! We're looking for play groups in the Corvallis area!

You can read more about our exploits at PocketPause.com
I have:

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  • Alison Prasavath

    Welcome back to Oregon. Are you going to join us for the corgi walk? If I remember correctly, there were over 100 corgi's last year and we had a wonderful time. I'm really excited this year because Noodles, my corgi, will get to meet a real cousin of his at the walk. I live in Salem and there is someone else on here that lives in Salem as well that would like to do a corgi meet up. We should plan on doing something like that.
  • Alison Prasavath

    The information you will need is on the front page (of this site). All donations go to either the Dove Lewis Animal Hospital or the Columbia River Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club. There is a raffle afterwards as well. It is so much fun seeing all the corgi's and of course taking the walk with all of them. Cars were stopping and people were coming over to take pictures and pet them. The puppies also get to play in a fountain if they want...Noodles hates the water and quickly walked around it. If you click on my personal page, my husband took some pictures of the walk last year and I have them posted on a blog.
  • Jessa

    Hi Miranda!  I got your comment from a while back.  Both my pups are Fiesty's daughters.  Maddi was born in July 2008 and Mikka April 2010 with different dads.  When was Pocket born?  Curious to see if she has the same dad to one of them.  Maddi and Mikka's personalities are completely different!