Rhonda Blandford & "SALLY"

53, Female

Springfield, KY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
i am an avid corgi lover,i have 5!!! i have had corgis for 3.5 yrs. now.my housedog SALLY,ruby,molly(,barneyR.I.P.)and my stud, gator. sally is my whole world,along with my 2 kids and husband.i breed them once a year and i'll tell ya there's nothing cuter than corgi puppies. i do not show them but only breed them so i can let another family enjoy this breed.there is nothing more fullfiling than the look on the families faces when they pick their new baby up.i am glad i found this website because i could never tire of talking about corgis.looking forward to making new corgi friends!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
sally is 3.5 yrs. old and is treated like a member of the family.she has birthday parties,christmas presents and she is also treated to a plain cheeseburger once a week!! i have told my husband if we ever divorced a custody battle would be on!!lol!!!
I have:

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  • Bev Levy

    Bouquet of Flowers
  • ChestersMom

    Rhonda, Thanks for your sweet words in the Rainbow Bridge group! You are a BREEDER!!!!!!!! When will you have another littler? Not sure I can afford a puppy right now, but I'm looking into all possibilities for the future.
  • Sharon&Gemma

    What a handsome boy so sorry for your loss. Barney will be waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge.