Tommy Reese


Brooks, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Lithonia, Ga.
About Me:
I am retired from the railroad after working for them 34 years. We had a Corgi mix that passed away a couple of months ago and missed her so much we purchased a male Corgi 13 months old about 4 weeks ago. He and I keep each other company and take walks in the morning and evening. He keeps my wife and I busy playing so he doesn't get bored.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My little buddy had several medical problems when we got him but he's pretty healthy now except for itching and the vet says it's allergies. We bathe him weekly with a prescription shampoo and it seems to help but keeping him in a tub for 10 minutes to let it work is tough to say the least. He is so funny.
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