

NE Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Portland, OR
About Me:
My name is Hannah and I'm 22 years old. I'm an artist/arts and crafts maniac and I work as a nanny for the time being. This is my first pup. I had dogs growing up, but they were all adopted as adults. I am so glad to have this little boy around. Sometimes I feel like he's made a little family with me and my boyfriend (who motivated me to get Korben in the first place).
We have so much fun with him. He has a great personality.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My beautiful corgi's name is Korben (after Korben Dallas in the Fifth Element).
He's such a feisty boy, but incredibly smart. I am surprised how quickly he has picks things up. He loves to "talk" all the time. He absolutely loves the snow and gets really excited to go snowboarding with us. His birthday is Sept 2nd.
He's is amazing overall and I'm proud he is mine!
I have:

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  • Crystal Whittenton

    Korben is such a cutie!!! I love his little puppy photos!
  • Stephanie & Bonnie Fox

    Oh My! They do look just alike don't they?! Your boy is such a sweetie! Funny that he likes snow too! Bonnie is a snow snaka, she just loves it!
  • Ace and Jen

    Korben is Gorgeous and I love his tail =) and I love his puppy pic with the Jack Pumpkin