
16, Female

Port Charlotte, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Port Charlotte, FL
About Me:
I am now a year old tri-colored girl. I love to play in the yard, diggin holes is my favorite and I'm getting really good at it. My favorite is when my dad tries to fill them and then I can dig them all over again! I also love it when I get visitors. I'm not jumping on them as much anymore, my mom says people don't like it. I also love to dig in my water bowl. It's so much fun and then when my mom tries to clean it up, I get to help her.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I am the only corgi child. I have two kitty cat brothers, who are just getting used to me. I have a human brother and sister and a mom and a dad who just adore me.
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