K Hartshorn

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a coffee and tea drinking fanatic, my “boys” and I go hiking and running (even in the rain mud seems to make it more fun for the boys excluding my husband). I enjoy reading about dog behavior and training.
About My Corgi(s):
I have two Cardigans JC is the older of the two (he’s the back and white). JC came home with my husband and I when he was 19 months old, he is a very outgoing people dog. He is the non stop action dog.
Our second Cardigan is Gilliam. Gilliam is a rescue from Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Rescue Trust (CWCNRT). In July he passed his CGC, and is starting his foundation agility this September.

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  • nwcorgifan

    Your Cardi's are gorgeous. I've not seen anywhere near as many Cardi's as Pem's. I don't know why that is.
    Gilliam's coloring is particularly striking.
    Your name caught my attention because I knew an Elisabeth Hartshorn at UF, when I was there in the 70's. I've not seen that name since. Any relation?
  • Anne

    Our cardigan Le-Le did not come out of a rescue situation but she has such shyness for people because she was at a breeders in a kennel for most of her 2 years. So it seems like she is a rescue. Likes dogs but tries to hide from people. Took over 3 weeks for her to accept us. How long did it take for yours to get over his shyness? We are into month 5 of being out in the real world and she is better. Also your dogs are beautiful.
  • Tauna and Kota

    I love your pics. I love that your corgi's have their tails. My Kota has his tail too. They are lovely. Gilliams colorign is beautiful and its cute the way his ear is floppy.