

Profile Information:

Winthrop, Massachusetts
About Me:
George is happy to have found Mycorgi.com and so are we! Thanks for the welcomes.
About My Corgi(s):
George joined our family in the summer of 2007. He lives with us and our two cats and makes us laugh every single day (well, maybe not the cats). He loves running in circles, looking out the window, the local hardware store where they give him biscuits, christmas decor and meatballs.

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  • alli

    hello from george in australia cant help but agre eon you chosing such a fine name x
  • Juneaux and Maximus

    Awww, what a handsome corgi:) So do corgis love the water?? I've never taken ours near any, but I've seen lots of pics of corgis playing around in water
  • Lindsay

    Now that Riley is grown up I can't help but notice how much him and George look alike! Was George one of Foxy's puppies?