

newcatle, nsw


Profile Information:

About Me:
mum, food provider,chief ball thrower, head scratcher of george
teacher of special needs kids in high school- have done so for 24 years
love to travel but get frustrated at limited places you can take loyal 4 legged companions
love art deco/ art nouveau style things
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
george aged 7 fluffy pembroke love of my life loyal faithful companion who is addicted to ball throwing, sleeping and eating ...loves people visiting him because as we all know its all about him
has ruined back lawn due to developing a ball chasing run but hey kids do the same in the end
has to use good brand tennis balls others are split in seconds
constantly has leaves stuck in his coat
hates hates hates baths and getting trimmed but will be good for grooomer just not his mum
sleeps beside his mum with sheep and bunny his necessary bed pals
duck, lamby, dog etc etc are pals fav friends who like to be thrown down hall way and returned
is not a fan of hot weather which of course is an issue in australia

simply does not eat tinned dog food-chicken and steak please
huge fan of peanutbutter smackos!
I have:

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  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks Alli,,It's what he lives for lol :o)
  • Derek

    I think she is cute with the fur, but I have a fluffy, and the mud is hard to clean up after.
  • alli

    Pink Ribbon