

Vinton, LA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We're a Cutting Horse operation that is supervised by our Corgi kids. I've had Aussies and Border Collies, but the Corgi will be the last and only breed for me.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gabby is a black tri female, born in May of 2005. She is the sister to two Aussies and two Border Collies. Although she is almost the smallest of the pack, she rules the roost. I'm sure that surprises many other Corgi owners.... NOT :-)) Sage was born in September 2009. I count my blessings for her EVERY day. She is the reason for me to get out of bed in the morning and gets me through the toughest of days.
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  • Jessica Lea & Sydney

    Sydney is doing really well. We were at the vet last week and she is just over 12 pounds now. Sounds so small next to Sage! She's been a little firecracker at the dog park, keeping up with the big guys. Last night was her graduation from puppy kindergarten. How is Sage doing?
  • Dawn

    Wow, 6 pounds is a big difference in pups! She looks like a little bulldog; short and SOLID. I hope she doesn't get too big. Sage is the most amazing pup, of any breed, I've ever had. She is so smart, I can't keep up with her. We went through basic obedience in a couple days, then had to move on to other things since she was getting bored. I can relate to the fircracker! Sage wears out each of the big dogs until their tired, then moves on to the next one. Do you have any pictures of puppy kindergarten? I'd love to see how Sydney is growing up.
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome, so glad you could join us!