Ashley Kelty


Louisville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Louisville, KY
About Me:
My name is Ashley! I'm 24 (25 in December), I work for the Kentucky Humane Society, and I am happily married to my wonderful husband, Brent! We have been married for less than a year, and are thus newlyweds! We don't have any children (we want to wait until we are more financially stable), so we dote our affection and love on our Corgi, Miso, and our kitty, Isis!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I only have one corgi, and she is my baby! Her name is Miso Soup, and she is a total sweetheart! She gets extremely excited to meet new people when we're outside taking her on her walks, and she seems equally excited to meet new dogs! She's got her potty training down pretty well, and in another month or two I think she'll have it down completely!

Miso has proved what a smart girl she is, picking up her tricks relatively quickly! Eventually, I'm going to take her to a puppy kindergarten, so I can teach her a few more manners and get some professional assistance to back up the training I have already given her.

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  • Sam and Finley

    Hey Ashley! Thanks for making your "mismarks" group! I love seeing all the different corgi designs!
    Miso is soooo cute!! And she has a great name.
    I saw your status and looked up the "furminator"! Does it really work that well? I am sure Finn will start shedding soon, especially once winter is over.
  • Zach and Lisa

    I noticed you work at the Humane Society in Louisville. I was really hoping I would be able to get a full time job when we move there early June. Any suggestions?
  • Zach and Lisa

    I work at petsmart and I think I called you today about getting groomed! Sorry you had a bad experience last time. But I was wondering if the Miso i was calling was the same one from here and it is! I thought about asking but I didn't want to sound ridiculous if you weren't the same one. Anyways maybe we could get a corgi meetup going in the area. Would you be game?