Alison Prasavath


Salem, OR

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My husband and I love our corgi and he definitely is in charge of our household.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Noodles will be 5 years old in June of this year (2010) and we've had him since he was 8 weeks old. He is our pride and joy in life. He also is a social butterfly and the neighborhood kids ring our doorbell and ask if Noodles can come play with them. He is very smart and knows the names of his toys and the names of various human family members. We like to call him floor explorer since he seems to clean the floors constantly (apparently he doesn't think I do a good enough job). He doesn't like the blow dryer or vacuum cleaner and could be fast asleep, yet still hear one of those items get pulled out. He is a joy to have around and loves sleeping in bed inbetween his mom and dad every night. We love him so much!
I have:

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  • Ein and Kate

    Thanks!  Noodles is adorable!  Ein was a little unsure of the water, but we hope if we start him young he will get used to it.

  • Lynde Paule



    The doggies raised $6,149.50 in the 4th Annual Walk in the Pearl.  I was absolutely thrilled.  We had between 180-200 Corgis.  The photographer took some great pictures and they are being turned into a calendar that will be available for purchase the end of October.



  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Hi, Alison!:) I was just looking through the Oregon State Corgis group and I found you:)

    It says you live in Salem? I do too:) Noodles beautiful and I would loooove if when I finally get blessed enough to get my pup, if we could maybe have a corgi play date!:)

    I'm really excited to become a part of the corgi owning community and can't wait to be able to actually know what it's like to have a corgi haha:P
  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Awh yeah:) Well that's amazing, thanks a bunch, it's going to be loads of fun haha

    I'm really excited! It's going to be a few months for me unfortunately but I just know that there's no way that I am moving to a new place without getting my furture pup pre approved ahaha.. Not dealing with not having my boy:D

    Yeah, I'm sure if we had been "good tenants" *cough, cough* MOM *cough, cough* that we would have had everything hunky dory. But it's alright because everything happens for a reason.. I think:P

    Just a shot in the dark, do you know any dog parks around here?:)

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Really? How do people ignore their dogs like that? The only dog park I ever went to, the dogs were all well behaved.. It was park rules haha. (Maybe that's the rules for all the dog parks, it's just some people don't follow it?)

    There's a park around here that isn't too populated most of the time and does have a big fenced feild near it, so I guess that would work out.. But then you don't really get to let your dog socialize with other dogs.. But better safe and having them not as out there than sorry and having a beat up corgi haha.. Hm, maybe I'll take him-when I get him, of course,-to the one I went to before haha.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Just love your background pic of Noodles..every time I see it, makes me smile.  I love the deep red coloring he has, like Tucker. 

    Yes, you are right, Tucker needs to watch how he plays with Lances ears!!  If he gets carried away, we will stop him so he doesn't irritate Lance too much.  I am glad to see that Tucker is playing even though he can't play with his ears as much.  Seems as though corgis love ears.  For the first time, I saw Tucker go for Lances me of when my sisters pug and Lance would play,  Lance loved chewing on Marcus's chicken legs.  lol

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Tucker is going to be a fire dog and Lance is going to be a sherrif!!!  I took pictures, I just have been procrastinating putting them up!  I have a sherrif hat and and kerchief from when I bought it a few years back, just for fun.  It is really meant for a smaller dog but I couldn't resist it when I saw it.  Lance and Tucker can be sherrifs 


    It would be fun if you were closer and we could get together.  I love the new pictures on  your slide show, although maybe they have been there and I am just seeing them now, they are great!!!!!

  • Gracie

    I sooo love naming our babies after food! We also have a tortoise named Curry! =)
    thanks for the warm welcome! 
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! :)
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    thank u so much for keeping us in your thoughts. its been a rough couple of days but i am hoping to ease the pain when i see my family for the holidays. its been awhile since i have seen them but it will be so weird with out him there as he loved visiting my family.


    i love your background of noodles by the way, he is a very handsome corgi

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    aw thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and i also thank Noodles for the kisses and hugs :') i am doing a little better. i just look at his pics and remember the great times we had together. i could always tell he was happy because he would literally smile. i sure do miss that smile.

      i have been depressed since its happened but you, along with everyone on here is helping me get through it. i think once i get his ashes back i will be a lot better but still no word on it:(

  • Courtney and Webley <3

    Your boy has one of the cutest corgi names ever! SO fitting!

  • Emilie

    Thanks for the comment - I love Avery's tail, too! I never thought I'd get used to seeing a Corgi with a tail, but I absolutely can't imagine him without it. I think I'm already beginning to see what it means to be owned by the Corgi.

  • Lynde Paule

    Alison-Thank you.  I love the Corgi Walk in the Pearl.  It brings out the best in all of us including our beloved Corgis.  Everyone is happy and the money goes to good causes.  I am so happy that you are a part of the event.  I look forward to seeing you and sweet Noodles next August.  Happy holidays to you.


  • steve smith

    Thanks for the video and Merry Christmas to all of you. What a good looking boy. Dino got a $100.00 certificate from the animal hospital.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    The boys had a great Christmas, was so funny to watch Tucker, he loved helping my daughter open her gifts!!!  Hmm, didn't need to get him his own gifts  jk  They loved their loofa minnie and mickey, at one point I think Tucker waned to steal Minnie, but I wouldn't let him.  I did pick up another Minnie but didn't give it to him, have it just in case he really likes minnie better. Lance was pretty laid back this Christmas, mostly laying down taking it all in.  It was cute though, Lance opened up one of my husbands gifts, it was so funny to watch him unwrap it. I uploaded 300 pics not too long ago, oyy.  I will eventually add some photos here, and I took some cute videos I will have to upload as well, have to see which ones to upload.  I still am catching up on sleep as I went to bed at 6am christmas morning and got up by 9 am..yikes!!  At least the girls and I were able to go to midnight mass and see the live nativity! 

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    thank you so much. im so sorry it took this long to get back with u but as u know i went up to Mi to see my family and there wasnt much time to get on the site lol we did share lots of memories of teddy as my family misses him to. i hope u had a wonderful Christmas as well:)

    lots of hugs to Noodles!

  • Jan Vallier

    Thanks for the welcome Alison. Noodles is adorable. Sounds like he's pretty spoiled :-) Hard not to spoil them. That peanut butter cake sounds delicious!  I wish my dogs were afraid of the vacuum like Noodles is. They follow me around with it. Makes it hard to get my work done. Oh well, at least they're having fun.

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    :') they sure have. the house now has a new "light" about it and she has been making me and my husband so happy. shes so sweet and cuddly that i reminds me so much of teddy. its hasnt replaced him but she has made us so happy again. i know teddy is pleased with her presence and im sure he would love the puppy. the pup is pretty crazy but all pups are lol

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    i agree, i believe he led them to us because he wanted nothing more than to make us happy. i believe she will be too as she follows him around everywhere but like u said theres nothing wrong with that :)

  • steve smith

    It was quite around here new years and Christmas Noodles. Please move alittle closer.

  • Worthington Natalia

    Alison, thanks for asking...I am afraid the news is not good...His health has been quickly declining...Hasn't eaten anything yesterday and I noticed he vomited blood a few times...His eyes are alert though....When I look at him he looks back at me like the 'old Tod', yet when he goes out I can't stand to watch him in pain...I have to clean him up and carry him back home...he rests for a couple of hours and then asks to be taken outside again....

  • Worthington Natalia

    Thanks, Alison. I appreciate that.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I am just a bit obssessed when it comes to pictures and videos, doesn't make you a bad mom! :)

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    What do you mean IF you, it would be great to have pics of Noodle in the snow!!  Have the camera in your coat pocket waiting for it to take a pic.  :)  It is currently snowing here now, we just had the six inches melt yesterday, I guess we can't go too long without snow in the chicago area.  :)

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    Hey!:) yes we picked him up on the 14th so I have had him for week now. I meant to make a post and share the news but he has kept me busy lol dollar has adapted really well to him being around and now they take naps together. Its too cute! We decided to name him baden. My husband loves the name so I let him name him since I named teddy
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Lance and Tucker aren't big fan of wet grass either, yet they love to step in the snow, lol, silly dogs!!  Oh and forget puddles and slush, ick.  Love the pic of Noodles you posted on my page.

  • Karise and Kiki

    Thank you!  I love the picture of your corgi...those eyes will melt your heart!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Oh okay that's cool, we have two places in particular in mind that aren't too far so let's hope that Noodles and Ziggy hit it off!:)

    I know Ziggy won't jog (tried everything to get him to, even cheese squares) so maybe that wouldn't be the best time????

    43 pounds yowza! Almost as big as Ziggy was.... It almost makes me wonder if it's the other Corgi from Ziggy's owner-if Ziggy had been dieting correctly along with exercising, he would probably still be about that size, which would still have been a big improvement.. (I don't know for sure if the other one was given away, but there was another one, and since they were both given away not too long ago-the other before Ziggy if so,-then maybe they are the same! Ziggy was originally given up a few months back, when his owner moved.. Did they say where they got him? Oh that would be kinda cool, and I would go there more frequently in hopes of running into them:D Ziggy's name used to be Timmy lol.. "Tubby Tim" is what they called him.. Poor guy.)

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Allison!!  It is great to hear from you! :)  Lance and  Tucker are doing well.  Lance is starting to initiate play more with Tucker rather than the other way around.  Usually when Lance initiates play Tucker acts like he doesn't want to play but then plays.  I have taken some video but just haven't posted them.  Lance had a vet appointment about two weeks ago and dropped his predisone down to 1/'4 every other day but upped another one of his meds and is still on one other med.   The predisone is the one the vet is more concerned with over time.  It would really be nice if we could get lance off of the predisone.  Thinking about getting Tuckers teeth cleaned, we got the estimate in the mail, the other day, but the discount is only good til the end of February, I believe, boo.  I just read an article today that said you should have your pet up to date on vaccinations before they get anesthia because other wise it could affect their immune system!!!  I read the article quickly so I probably should reread it, to make sure I understand it fully, but wow, what a great time to come across the article, since Tucker actually is due for his dhlpp vaccinations!  It is almost a full year since we have had Tucker (March 6th)!!!  There was another pure breed corgi at the same shelter we got Tucker at, and he got adopted this Sunday :), no, not by us either, lol.  My daughter volunteers at the shelter and she said before her shift, Mom, I want you to meet Cooper if he doesnt get adopted today, and viola, he was, so she needs to keep saying that to me for all the doggies there.  

    How are you and Noodles doing? 

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Well, we haven't left yet-most of the places we are going to check out are drop in only, plus we have decided to wait until tomorrow since it's payday and we haven't ever house shopped before and don't know if we need the app fee money up front so we are just going to make sure that we have it just in case and then go.

    That's sooo cute that he tried to keep up with your husband:) I wanted to train my Corgi to do that-I still want to, but I don't know if Ziggy will do that (I thought that I was going to have a puppy and puppy energy to work with-of course, around like five months.. Not a puppy puppy.. That'd be crazy! Though, I was going to have my Corgi puppy bike with me still-in a bike basket xD)

  • Worthington Natalia

    Alison, thank you for thinking of us. We are doing much better. Thinking of getting a pem puppy as soon as we can. Still thinking of Tod...missing him....remembering his lovable personality:)

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    We did.. It's really weird!:P We wound up on the other side of town after all.. Sigh. But I was wanting to take Ziggy down to the waterfront by the mall, which would be fun if you think you could go for that:P 

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Sigh, I lose faith in hubsters. He can't seem to understand why I would want to meet Noodles when I have a Corgi of my own now xD He compared it to someone having the same laptop as him and him going to their place to play with theirs... Silly male.
    Saturday should be good, but I'll hammer it out w
  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Sigh, I lose faith in hubsters. He can't seem to understand why I would want to meet Noodles when I have a Corgi of my own now xD He compared it to someone having the same laptop as him and him going to their place to play with theirs... Silly male.
    Saturday should be good, but I'll hammer it out w
  • Zigward & Kimberly

    As it turns out I can't make it Saturday-my mom planned my brother's birthday party for then, because he turned six today.

    It must be super awesome to get to see Corgis on the job! I'm jealous xD Haha, yeah I don't know, he may start to get interested, he may not. His thing is computers and what is on computers. The good thing is is that he thinks Ziggy is one of the cutest dogs he has ever seen:D Maybe once our lives are overruled by them, he will understand. He better, or I'll have to hit him in the head with a Corgi hammer!:D

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    It's true:P

    Sigh, I am getting tired of all the rain lately. Like everyday!!

    I usually prefer rain to other weathers.. But it loses being special when it's there every day.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello there!!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Wow, snow!!!  Lance and Tucker are jealous, its been in the 80's here!!!  Sunburn in march!! Who would think?  We are doing well, Lance goes for his recheck tommorrow.  We will see what the vet has to say.  All work , littlle play, no fun!!  The responibility of adults, the joys!!  Good to hear from you,  hope to talk soon!!
  • Zigward & Kimberly

    At first Ziggy didn't seem to like, just wanted to do his business and get back inside, but after a second run out, he started romping through it and running around, so it seems that he did like it at least some!

    Sounds like Noodles is a hoot to watch in the snow! Ohh, it will be nice when we can finally have them meet, because he is getting more and more confident around dogs, even tried to play with my grandma's dog, but she wasn't paying him any attention so he stopped lol:P

  • Worthington Natalia

    Thanks, Alison.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    sorry to hear about your uncle and your husbands friend.  :(  Prayers for all.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Way to go!!  Noodles will be happy to have clean teeth once its done and over with, with his sparkling white smile.  :) 

  • Worthington Natalia

    I submitted his pix to Daily Puppy just yesterday. I was surprised to see him in my email this morning. I think all this fame might go to his head LOL:)

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Whooo, I bet you are glad its done and over!!   It is good the infection was caught :)  Hopeflly the antibioctics will have it cleared up in no time!  Yay for clean teeth.  '

    Lance is doing good.  Slowly weaning him off his meds, I just wish he could be done with them already but I guess it would be worse for something else to pop up again cause he was off of them too quickly.  I just hope that he continues to do well and that nothing else pops up from this anytime soon!!!  Good to hear from you!!!

  • Sidney and Angie


    i dont hate you for suggesting naming him orange sherbet.
    my brother suggested ravioli:)
  • Lois B. Allen

    I hope he has a good evening and is thrilled with the attention.  We are turning off the lights and not answering the door since I live alone and have had some teen agers that were spooker than I would have liked.  Have fun.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hey, long time no talk!  How is Noodles?  Love all your pics!! 

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello!  How is Noodles doing?

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    So glad to hear Noodles is doing much better.  I just love this background pic of Noodles on your page.  Lance and Tucker are doing well.  Lance is on a liver supplement and it is helping, so hopefully it will continue to help.