

Minneapolis, MN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live with my girlfriend out in Minneapolis. She's a graphic designer, and I am hoping to get into medical school soon.
About My Corgi(s):
One corgi named Atlas. He is 8 months old, and probably the happiest dog ever. However, if he doesn't get his daily dog park puppy fight time, he is one ornery puppy.

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  • Sky and Lyla

    Thanks Ross! I appreciate your input. When my Aussie was a pup, he was always either obviously sick or obviously well, so I don't know how to intrepret some of this grey area stuff. Thanks again!
  • David & Robin Fritz

    Hey Ross,
    Have we met you before? Have you gone to any of the corgi gatherings at the lake of the isle dog park? Chloe loves to wrestle and is very high energy and muscular. Today we walked 1 mile, did a walkydog run for 1.5 miles and had another walk for a mile. She is still bouncing off the walls.
  • Sam and Finley

    Hi Ross! I read a reply you wrote on a post about puppy's eyes changing color about your corgi, Atlas (what a great name!), and you called him a Bluie, and described him a little, and it sounds a lot like my new pup. Where did you found out about Bluies? I've never heard that term before, but I'm brand new to the corgi world, and I'm interested in my dog's coloring differences. She (currently, she's almost 10 weeks so still changing) has one pale blue eye and one gray, and pink/black gums and nose, lots of black freckles on her tummy and snout, and looks like her black fur might be turning, at least partly, orange. I'm not sure how far it'll go!