Joyce and Mollie


Lake Worth, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Palm Springs, FL
About Me:
I love animals, especially Corgis and horses. I am a grandmother of one and have been married 40 years. I also love everything Irish!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Mollie O'Malley is two and a half years old and is the best dog I have ever owned. She is amazing!
I have:

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  • Toby {Brenda}

    Hi Joyce-- Actually very cold and rainy here today been getting down in the 40's and 30's at night and barely in 50's in the daytime..turned my furnace on the other night -- Riley's arthritus has been acting up this week too.. but so has mine lolol I will take your warm weather-- Have a good evening...
  • Furby,Baylee&Nellie

    Hello Joice and Molly,
    So glad you got the bear for molly and she likes it. Our youngest Nellie loves hers. We live in the acerage so yes we are close.I see on your bio you also like horses. We also have 2 horses , my retired show hunter and a pony I rescued. Maybe after the holidays we could have a doggie play day. Our three kids would like to meet Molly. She is VERY cute! Happy Holidays Jenny
  • WhiteDove

    Happy Holidays