MaryAnn Williams

Warren, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a retired teacher, who loves horses, dogs, photograpy, & travel.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
The Corgi of my life is "Boots". He is an 8 yr old, red-headed tri. Wherever I go with him, people comment on how handsome he is! I have to agree...I think he is the most handsome corgi ever and my very best friend.
I have:

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  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    thank you Maryanne,:')

    i sure do miss him. he left us too early. he truly was my best friend and everyday i wake up i wish he was there to greet me how he use to. i got his ashes back today which offered some relief but i miss him snuggling with me at the end of the day 

  • Jen, Brody & Buddy

    Thank you!! How are all yours doing?
  • Jen, Brody & Buddy

    If you are breeding Branson in 2012 please keep me posted on that.. Brody would love a sibling. He is doing so so so good. He has completed his first obedience class (6 week long course) and starts his second class on January 12th which is another 6 week long class. He takes his CGC test in a couple weeks! I would love to see some pictures of Pippin! I sent you a private message on here, I'm not sure if you got it or not, it was a while ago! I will try to find you on Facebook! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a Happy New Year!