the Doaks

Louisville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Louisville, KY
About Me:
New corgi him to death! We just moved to Louisville, KY, to teach at a local high school. We are originally from Zanesville, OH. We love to meet new people, especially those who share the corgi love!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dante, also known as drumsticks, precious, or jingle bells (because of his collar), was born 3/3/09. We bought Dante from a corgi breeder in Zanesville, OH, and he has a beautiful coat and curious personality. His treats of choice are ice cubes, green beans, and biscuits during long car rides . His favorite toys are stray socks (even though they are a no-no), rope toys, and anything that rolls on the floor or squeaks. He is extra cute when he goes down stairs and we even take him down a slide in our apt complex. He loves little kids and wants to play with dogs even if they are 3 or 4 times his size. He just got neutered so he has quite a bit of hair to grow back now! He has one very perky ear and one that is flat as a pancake, so he looks slightly unbalanced but I don't think he'll topple over anytime soon. Overall, he is just a happy, smiley corgi who gets excited by the simple joys in life :).
I have:

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  • Ashley Kelty

    We actually might be able to make it to the festival! Is it too late to enter Miso in the cute puppy contest? :) I have to work at 5 that day, but it would still be fun to go out with Miso!
  • Ashley Kelty

    Sorry for missing the festival. We've been horribly busy, and I've been working a LOT! We still need to get Dante and Miso together to play! Sadly, Miso is going to be fixed soon (Our vet advised we wait until at least 6 months before we get her snipped), so she'll need a bit of down time, but once that's through, she should be good to go!
  • Ashley Kelty

    I need more pictures of Dante. :) He is, in my mind, Miso's boyfriend, as soon as they actually meet each other.

    Miso is still only 17 lbs. I don't think she's going to get too far past 20, really. That's fine, I like the idea of a tiny corgi. :)