Nancy, Steve, Nathan & Lu

Davis, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Davis, California
About Me:
I enjoy taking walks in the park at dusk with Lulu. She's such a fun little friend to me, and I'm so thankful I was able to get her when I did. Life always seems to bring changes, but it's a blessing to know the Lord gives us special gifts (like Lu) along the way!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lula Belle ("Lulu") arrived in Davis in October 2006, and life hasn't been the same since! She's been such a wonderful little girl. Thanks for, I am so pleased to find a place where I can share the fun times with Lu, and learn about how to improve her life along the way. Thank you!
I have:

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  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Thanks for the friend invitation!Welcome from Napa!Your fur baby is adorable :).She looks like a cross between Our two.I was very moved by Your testimony about being short sighted.My recent journey is also a testimony to finding the right path for one's life,and usually it's not what We think.The Lord has other marvelous ideas about what We should do.I retired a couple of years ago to help care for My Mom who had a terribly long battle with several cancers.After a blessed release for her through Jesus,I found Myself spending a lot of time in My garden.The peacefulness of the garden gave Me time to think,pray and marvelously the Holy Spirit rained on Me like never before.My Hubby retires in 51 days and We are seriously considering taking to the road to help others in Jesus's name as servants for Him.Many prayers Your way for guidance and blessing too.
  • WhiteDove

  • Sunrise

    BLESSINGS from Tammy and Happy the Corgi from Vacaville! What a delight to see Christian corgi owners so close. Did you get to go to Corgi Faire? Hope we can become friends.