Kelly Isaacs


Nashua, NH

United States

Profile Information:

Williamstown, WV
About Me:
My husband and I both love dogs and wanted to get one for a long time. When we bought our house, we decided it would be the perfect time to get one. We found Sadie from a breeder online and drove three hours to get her. I'm so excited to have a puppy! It's been fun trying to train her and watch her cute little legs as she tries to run.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sadie is a lovable eight-week-old tri-color Corgi. She is absolutely adorable and so smart! She loves to play with her toy bear and she is a chewer! She's very social -- she walked up to a huge lab the other day without a worry in the world and started trying to play with him..
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