

Glenpool, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Glenpool, OK
About Me:
In my corgi's words: my human is pretty great. She's best when she's giving me my favorite after dinner treat or rubbing my belly. She does occasionally annoy me by stopping petting me so I have to gripe & go pout till she caves & lets me lay on her & pet me where I want her to. My little human, Trenten, he's 11 & he's a great little human also. He likes best when I wake him up by jumping on his bed & licking him all over! He brings his pesky pre teen friends over & have to protect them from that evil thing in the backyard, I think they call it a trampoline. They say it's not evil but I'm a skeptic. My best friend in the house, is Joe. I do have to share him with my human on occasion which is fine, I guess. I have to follow him everywhere to make sure he is ok. He spoils me rotten & it's fantastic. For humans, I have 3 of the best.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sadie born 12-17-08, she is a spaz but only in the evening and when no one but us are there to watch it. She definitely has a fun, independent personality. She don't mind you loving on her for a second or two and then she wants down to find her own cozy spot.

My Sassy Sadie has grown into such a character! We love her dearly, couldn't imagine our life without her! She makes us laugh, loves us unconditionally, & such a joy!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Congratulations on your new Corgi. The hardest part is the wait.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome and Congratulations!! How exciting!! It will be three years February 6th since we brought home our cardigan corgi!
  • Sky and Lyla

    Hi Rebecca. Your babies are absolutely precious! We live in the Tulsa area as well. So good to see Corgi neighbors around here! If you are still looking for a place that your son can help train, I think K9 Manners and More in Broken Arrow allows children over a certain age to be involved.