

Tulsa, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Tulsa, Oklahoma
About Me:
My name's Rassel and Im a first time pet owner! I work 12 hour shifts at the hospital...long hours but that way there's more days off. :D Im a travel nurse and my baby Riley travels with me. :D
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
His name's Riley...born 09/18/08. He's a tri-colored pembroke welsh corgi. He's very mild-tempered....loves everybody and he looovvveeessss attention!!! He's smart and such a trickster! He knows some tricks! Im so proud of him! And he'll forever have my heart!!! :D
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  • WhiteDove


    Thank you for your comment on my page. . .I totally agree they are the cutest fur-babies. . .my page was created in Themes, in the advanced tab (HTML coding). . . .I learned it by trial and error, with lots of errors. . . .LOL

  • John, Jessica, and Zeus

    riley looks a lot like zeus!
  • John, Jessica, and Zeus

    he's 7 months now, about 22-23 lbs...he is still pretty skinny for a corgi :)