Shawna & Eddie


Spokane, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I've grown up around all sorts of pets, including dogs, and when I finally decided I wanted my first dog (of my very own, instead of a family dog), I eventually settled on the Pembroke. Not only am I a first time dog owner, I'm also a first time Corgi owner!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Eddie is a Pembroke. He's a red sable & white and he just has the funniest little attitude! He's not big on fetching or cuddling for very long, but he loves tug-o-war, chase, and he's absolutely crazy about snow.

His name is partially a tribute to a character from one of my favorite book series (The Dark Tower -- Eddie Dean is a gunslinger, a huge joker, and a bit of a big mouth), partially a tribute to the Bebop series, and well... because it just seemed to fit him! I had originally picked out the name "Cowboy" and didn't want to have another "Ein" in the corgi world. The name Eddie had bits of both worlds, so I couldn't turn it down.

He comes from a cattle ranch in Wilbur, WA. His parent's names are Radar and Sonar. He has four siblings: One brother, and three sisters. Send me a message if you think you might own one of his siblings! It would be neat for them to meet up and play.
I have:

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