Michelle Anderson

Spokane, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Spokane, WA
About Me:
I was blessed to have owned both a Pembroke and a Cardigan Corgi. Riley, my Cardigan passed in 2005, and now my Pembroke, Samantha, has also passed. I miss having them around. I love this breed! They have added so much to my life!

I love animals, always have. Would keep a million if I could! I also have 2 cats, a mini daschund, named Molly and Jackson my new baby boy! Molly is 11 and was VERY attached to Sam. It was obvious how much she missed her when she passed away. Molly always acted as if Sam was her Mom. Whenever Sam would want to play, Molly would try to take her toy to make her stop. Then Sam would get mad at Molly for "ruining the fun". Jackson is a little over a year old, my Valentine's baby! He is precious and naughty at the same time, but I love him and he has added so much back for me that I felt like I lost with Riley and Sam.

I have two young cats. I had two others, Winston and Cody. Winston passed away a month before Riley from cancer. It was funny to retrain Riley about not "getting the kitty" once we brought Winston home. He was always good to chase them out of the yard, but needed to learn that we were trying to keep Winston :) Cody developed a tumor related to vaccines. We made two attempts, in vain to remove the tumors. He passed away before Thanksgiving at the age of 9.

The two I have now are Charlie and Fritz. They never got to meet my Corgis, but they are about to welcome a little brother home!!!! Charlie is still in his "kitten" phase, so I know he is going to love the puppy!

Molly seems lonely and at times lost without Sam still. She was always by her side and when I leave the house, it is torture to her to be alone. :( But now she has Jack and probably has moments where she misses her quiet time!

I am blessed for all that these babies have been in my life. The companionship is priceless.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Riley was the absolute smartest dog I have ever known. He saved my life and was there to see me through many rough times. I am so thankful to have had him.
Samantha was my princess, so sweet and loving. I miss her gentle ways, lazy days of hanging out or going to the park to play frisbee. She was such a little fireball. I miss them both so much and feel such a sense of loss without them. Now I have Jack! He is his own Corgi and yet has all the things in him that I love about the breed! I can't wait to see all the memories we create!
I have:

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  • Emily & Willow

    Hi Michelle, Willow is from Hood River, OR. I had a hard time finding a cardi in the area. Where did you find your new baby?
  • Emily & Willow

    How wonderful! I was in contact with that breeder when we were looking for Willow. My brother's neighbor got a beautiful tri- from her a few years ago. Good luck, and congratulations! You'll have to keep me posted.
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Thanks for the email, and congrats on getting a new pup!!! How exciting to have a frisky corgi fellow again in your life!! Is that his picture on your profile? Is it a Cardi? I will be adopting a rescued cardi in about a month and I am really looking forward to him, but I have never had a cardi before, only pemmies. Have fun with that new pupster!