Dani Schwegel


Seminole, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Milo, ME
About Me:
I am an active young woman who is passionate about life.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ein is a lover, not a fighter. His nickname is "Jealously" because he loves his people and you're not allowed to be pet by them, only him; now please move along from his people while he's watching. He enjoys long walks on the beach, swimming, sticks and cottage cheese. We got him from a wonderful breeder in Lecanto and his parents are Harry Potter and Sable. He doesn't know it yet but in a few weeks he'll have a little sister :)
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Carolyn Flynn

    We live in St Pete in winter and Tn in summer. Will be home July and august. Bonnie is a sable and harry potter and Clyde is Sporty and Little Man. Roper was born at Lee's over 12 years ago We lost him the day Bonnie was born. Is new baby from Lee. Keep me posted. Here and on FB. Roper Flynn on FB. Is Ein from Bonnieslitter.? Carol
  • Carolyn Flynn

    Hi will look it up on FB. And hopefully do the July or Aug meet up. Ein is adorable. See Sable in him. Bonnie is very much like her mom. She is the headstrong of the two. But so loving. C