Chris and Bugg


Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Panama City, FL
About Me:
Just got a Corgi pup (Bugg) in November of '08. Had a Corgi growing up and loved figured I'd jump back into the mix with Bugg. He's a handful, but a smart little bugger (potty trained in 2 weeks!).
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bugg was born on September 9, 2008. He's smart, playful, and everything you could want in a companion! Loves bugs...flying ones, squirming ones, 4 legged, 8 legged...bugs bugs bugs. He also loves his rawhide bones and squeaky toys. He likes to lick carpet, put his toys in his water dish, and play with the sliding glass door blinds. Finally, he loves wood chips and leaves...which makes me wonder if he'll try to eat the trees in my backyard at some later point in life.
I have:

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  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hi Chris - great to see you and Bugg at our Corgi group get-together today! My daughter told me you were on here! We take Wiggles to South Beach - at the end of Riomar Drive after 5 (when the lifeguards leave!!) he LOVES to run and play in the water and chase the birds! So glad you stopped by - and we'll e-mail you next year for the 7th VB Corgi Roundup
  • Mr. Bingley

    Hi, we met at the Sebastian art show. My name is Amy.
  • Carrie Baxter

    Hi, I think our Corgi's might be related. Wrigley is our female and her "brother from another mother" is Ryno. They are 3 days apart from San Antonio, FL. The breeder was Linda Fuller and the sire was Harry Potter. Potts looks a lot like Ryno in the face, but Wrigley in the body.