Sir Wiggles Freeland

26, Male

Vero Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Vero Beach, FL
About Me:
We live in Vero Beach, FL - Phil is a computer lab manager at an elementary school, Fran works at Northwestern Mutual and Melanie is about to graduate from high school and head off to college.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Wiggles is an 11 1/2 year old red & white Pembroke Corgi. He came to us by way of friends at a horse show in Ocala. Wiggles LOVES to eat, as you can tell by his physique, and he also loves to play and sleep. He is a sweet, friendly corgi who LOVES everyone. He enjoys herding our two cats and letting them know who's boss!
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  • Dyllan

    We have moved to Tenn have been here six months now and we love it so Dyllan wont be at the Corgi get together either, he will miss all his buddies...
  • Barbara & Bailey

    Please send info on your corgi get-together.  Two of us would like to attend. 
  • Dyllan

    So glad you are happy in NC I am very happy in Tenn, but miss my brother in Florida