Barbara & Bailey


Sebastian, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Sebastian, Florida
About Me:
I had been Casey's Mom for over 5 years, since he was 8 weeks old. I fell in love with those "corgi eyes" and sweet expression.
Casey crossed the rainbow bridge in Sept.'09 due to cancer. He was only 5yrs. & 3 mos. old. Even though I have another corgi, there's not a day that I don't think of him.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
"Be Bop Bailey" is a Tri Pembroke and was born on Sept. 12, 2009. He is a "super-charged" corgi, always looking for trouble to get into! I have channeled this energy by doing Agility. He is fearless and has tried all the equipment and loves it! We are just doing it for fun until he's old enought to compete.
I have:

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  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    Sweet Casey..... God Bless him, and you.
  • Jackson♥

    I am very sorry for the loss of your Casey. She seems to be a very cute, loving, and gentle corgi. My best wishes to you and your search for a new pup!

    I think Jackson USED to have the same toy that Casey has. Our yard has a steep hill leading to a very big creek on the side of it, and Jackson usually loses his toys to it. When Jackson had that toy, he never seemed to enjoy it, even if it did have treats in it. A good homemade toy that we make for him is that we soak a small cloth in water, and freeze it. It stays frozen for quite a while, and jackson normally spends a good 45 minutes trying to thaw it out. Thanks for the blog post, and I hope we can be friends!
  • Sandi and Bailey

    Hi! Can't wait to let our Baileys meet! We will definitely stop by!!