Cosmo & Wall-E


Jupiter, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Jupiter, FL
About Me:
Long time Corgi lover and momma to Cosmo and Wall-E, Super Pups. Other interests include Gator football, funny movies, music and Jane Austen novels.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cosmo is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi with a black/brown brindle coat, a sweetheart disposition, and a charming handsome face. He is loving, loyal and my favorite friend in the world. If I ever become half the perfect person he thinks I am, I'm doing alright! :)

Wall-E is the latest addition to our family. He is also a Cardigan Welsh Corgi with black/brown brindle coloring. He is an energetic, happy and affectionate playmate for Cosmo. We love both our brindle boys!
I have:

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  • Michelle

    Welcome! As you can see I am partial to brindle corgis. Sending Corgi greeting from Florida!!!
  • Christina & Vicki

    What a cutie!! Great name also!! 30 days to go :)
  • Anne

    What a cute cardi! Look forward to more pictures. Is he home with you now?