
41, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Lexington, Ky
About Me:
I've become a more devoted Corgi-mom than I ever thought I would be to a dog. But you can't help it when they look up at you with those soft brown eyes full of love and you know you're hooked.

My little Corgi girl and I have gone through a lot together and I wouldn't have wanted to go through it with any other dog.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dallas Mae -- aka "Dally" or her AKC registered name PACH Frontiers Honkytonkbadonkadonk CGC, RN, NF, AX, AXJ, MXPB, MXP5, MJPB, MJPB5, PAX

Dally was born July 16, 2005, and she joined my family in September 2005. Since then, we have moved from Indiana to Texas to Oklahoma and now to Kentucky. For just a little over two years we've been training and competing in agility, in both American Kennel Club (AKC) and Canine Performance Events (CPE) arenas. Dally and I qualified for the 2012 AKC National Agility Championships in Reno, Nev., where she finished 8th in the nation in the 4-inch division. Since then we have competed in the 2013 and 2014 AKC National Agility Championships. We're currently nearing our PAX and PACH, as well as qualifying for the 2013 AKC NAC in Tulsa, Okla. In CPE, she has many titles, including her Level 1. We've even dabbled a little in the herding, but she seems more content to herd my horses at home than herding "stinky" sheep.

When we return home to visit "Grammie" and "Granpie", Dally enjoys going to the barn and helping mom with the horses (we some times get a little too excited with herding and get into trouble).

Dally has a "little sister" now--LaMesa (Mill Creek's Chyna Rust RN, AX,AXJ) is a 4-year-old Swedish Vallhund who is also competing in agility. They are best buddies.

Other fun activities Dally loves is playing with her tuggie toys and her tennis balls (aka "Tennie"), and loves to go for walks/runs and checking out local creeks and lakes.
I have:

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