Tammy Hartwig


Marinette, WI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We are the human parents of Ellie Mae a 10 month old Pembroke Corgi. This is our 2nd corgi we had. Our ellie Mae is a little peanut weighing only 12.5. I was concerned with her eating habits as it seems she is just a snacker.Our vet told us she is just small and healthy. Glad to see there are other "itty bitty" corgis out there! :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We are the owners of Ellie Mae who is soon to be 10 months old. She weighs 12.5 lbs always on the go. Stops to snack and on the go again. Glad I found this site "itty Bitty corgis"!!
I have:

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